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Charities go online to claim gift aid

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Charities go online to claim gift aid

More than 12,000 charities have registered with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to claim gift aid online since a new online service was launched eight weeks ago.

The service, introduced in April, makes claiming gift aid repayments faster for charities and sports clubs.

From 30 September, HMRC will stop accepting Gift Aid repayment claims on R68i forms and users will be required to use the Charities Online service to make claims.

Andrew Edwards, HMRC’s Head of Charities, said:

“Using Charities Online to make a repayment claim is quick and easy. We worked extensively with charities to develop the online service in response to their feedback. It is a significant step towards reducing the process for charities to complete their claims.”

Online claims are usually paid within three working days, as opposed to 26 days using the old R68i paper claim form.

HMRC has written to 87,000 charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) to tell them that they can now enroll to make repayment claims through the HMRC website.

Charities can get information on how to use the system from the HMRC website

Those that do not have access to the internet will have to use the ChR1 paper form to make claims, available by calling HMRC Charities Helpline on 0845 302 0203.

Notes for editors

1.  HMRC receives 150,000 paper claims a year from 87,000 separate charities, representing some 23 million gift aid donations.

2.  More information about Charities Online and GASDS -

3.  How to sign up and use Charities Online -

4.  Follow HMRC on Twitter @HMRCgovuk

5.  HMRC’s flickr channel

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