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Press release -

GTR asks Acas to help end unnecessary strike action

Govia Thameslink Railway has asked Acas, the advisory, conciliation and arbitration service, to facilitate talks with the RMT and is calling on the union to call off its damaging five-day strike by conductors timed to start on 8 August.

GTR has been in constant dialogue with the union and only on Monday spoke with General Secretary Mick Cash who was unwilling to enter into discussion.

Chief Operating Officer Dyan Crowther said: “The RMT’s claims we have refused to engage with them are simply not true and we are calling on them to come to Acas and sort this out for the sake of our passengers.

“Passengers have been suffering daily disruption ever since the RMT began this unnecessary action and should not be forced to suffer five days more, all because the RMT is refusing to work with us and modernise the railway for the benefit of our passengers.

“We have guaranteed all our onboard staff a job, as valued members of our future operation, with no reduction in salary.

“We value the work of our staff, who are trying their best to deliver service levels that passengers expect. The sooner we can introduce the essential modernisation that our railways desperately need, the sooner we will address the current capacity and performance issues and deliver a better service for our passengers.”


Govia Thameslink Railway

United Kingdom