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Zhejiang Province healthcare delegates bring appetite for collaboration to London meeting

Last week Fortrus Ltd joined senior healthcare and government delegates from the Zheijiang province in China and selected UK healthcare providers to discuss innovation in health informatics and potential areas of collaboration. The first UK-China Informatics Collaboration meeting took place on June 24th with a view over the River Thames at the Park Plaza Riverbank hotel. The meeting was facilitated by the UK Health Informatics Series (UKHIF) and the British Chinese Society for Health Informatics (BCSHI). Natalie Liao is the Director of BCSHI and chaired the interactive sessions while opening remarks were delivered by Steve McGuire from Guy's and St Thomas Hospital and Xing Zixia who is General Director of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance.

Twenty VIP delegates were welcomed to the private meeting which will help to shape a national agenda for the first UK wide forum set to take place in 2016. Three leading technology providers were in attendance to showcase the innovative solutions improving healthcare delivery and efficiency within the NHS. Fortrus Ltd joined Deontics and The Phoenix Partnership (TPP) to provide a clear insight into successful projects and identify new areas of potential collaboration. UK Healthcare providers at the London meeting included Shane Peel, Provider Analytics Manager for the CQC, Darren McKenna, CIO for Northumberland, Tyne & Wear Mental Health Trust and Mike Lane, Board Member for Wandsworth CCG. Mao Linan, Vice Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Centre for International Medical & Health Cooperation and Zeng Xiaopeng of the International Cooperation Division within Zhejiang’s Department of Science and Technology made up two of the six Chinese delegates.

Delegates from Zheijang travelled to the UK on a procurement mission to study the latest scientific and medical technology being successfully implemented by UK health and social care providers. Chinese delegates were also keen to learn from UK providers and technology suppliers about their experiences with the procurement of medical technology solutions.

Discussions throughout the two interactive sessions were positive, thought-provoking and engaging which showcased a desire to work further and faster to improve service delivery across the both countries. Represented NHS Trusts showed a huge amount of enthusiasm for exporting their solutions and successes out to the Chinese market. It was argued by delegates of both sides that the NHS should develop a longer term strategy for future collaboration with China.

The forum also proved to be a strong platform for UK healthcare providers to share best practice and learn from each other in relation to specific projects e.g. Risk Stratification. The removal of paper records was discussed with reference to a project to integrate GP and hospital systems across Suffolk and London, this is an area of investment that the Chinese delegation were keen to learn from. Opportunities highlighted included a key new area of research into virtual conferencing with outpatients and the use of integrated data to spot efficiency problems and resource allocation within hospitals, both areas of research appealed to the Chinese delegation due to scale of the health economy in the Zheijiang province. Providers and suppliers agreed that the adoption of these new technologies will come as a product of a change in culture within both UK and Chinese healthcare providers.

The scale of the Zhejiang province healthcare system was also remarked upon, in particular the allocated budget of £10.1billion with 15% accounted for informatics related investment. The Zhejiang province is taking healthcare investment very seriously and is one of the first provinces to set up primary care systems, with some UK technology providers including TPP winning lucrative contracts.

The interactive meeting preludes the first national UK-China Informatics Collaboration Forum (#UKCICF), which will take place in 2016 at the Bank of China. The national forum will welcome 125 delegates from healthcare providers and technology suppliers from both China and the UK to build new partnerships and accelerate the move towards a patient centric integrated health and social care system. 

For further information regarding the upcoming #UKCICF please visit:!uk-china-forum/c94k

Leigh Baillie

Chief Marketing Officer

Fortrus Ltd

+44 7894 517828

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Unity emerged from research conducted with over 800 senior clinicians across multiple organisations. The findings of this research identified three key challenges when working in an data-intensive environment.

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Unity solves these problems by acting as a control layer, that whilst able to draw from multiple complex databases, means that we can develop flexible and bespoke user interfaces for minimal cost. The result is a software solution that suites the specific data-intensive needs of your organisation.

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