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What NHS Trusts frequently ask about digitising their patient records.......sound familiar?

It would appear that there are a number of very common questions that are frequently asked by Trusts about to embark on the process of digitising their patient records. We at Fortrus felt that it would be appropriate to share a selection of these with you, it may be that there are some areas that you have completely overlooked or have been considering, but were unsure of how to approach?

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, that Trusts have raised with a selection of our existing customers, if you'd like to find out further information regarding these questions then please get in touch.


What was your overarching deployment strategy?

What were the 3 biggest challenges faced during the implementation?

With hindsight, what would you have done differently during the implementation?

Did you come across any Information Governance Issues during the implementation?

What level of clinical involvement (and at what stages) did you have on the EMR Programme as a whole?

How did you engage with clinical staff in each area as you rolled out?

In planning to go-live in a particular area, how did you prepare that area for the transformation / change?

Would you say that the greatest impact during / after deployment was on clinical or administrative staff?

How many people formed the implementation team and what were their roles?

Did you back fill any clinical time during implementation?


How did you deliver training and how many people (and what was their background) did you have on the team?

How did you address the training of night staff, junior doctors and locums?

Did your training / implementation model include the use of ‘floor walkers’, champion users and super users?

Scanning /Health Records

Did you have to design a new process for Consenting? If so, or if not, how does consenting work with electronic casenotes?

Did you have records that needed to be merged and how were these managed?

How do you deal with Permission to Release type situations? (Sending Clinical Records to other hospitals.)

Have you used smart indexing at all? Do you search using google search/OCR?

What is your structure around the Health Records Dept/Scanning Bureau and how many scanners and scanning bureau staff do you have? (at the start of the programme and now?)

What hours do the Scanning Bureau cover, i.e. 9-5 or extended shifts?

During the height of the implementation how many records on average were being scanned in a day?

Do you have BS10008 Accreditation? If not, are you considering it?

Was your Strategy to Forward Scan for patients attending Out patients & Inpatients and Archive Scan at the same time? What were the main problems you encountered with your Strategy?

Have you fully scanned the whole of your Library. Have you destroyed all the paper?

Do you allow printing of records from the electronic system. How do you ensure all paper and updates are scanned back into the system.

When estimating throughput for scanning in the early stages of the project did you get this right? If not what did you learn?

Are you scanning colour? If so what percentage, for scanned paper, is in colour?

Did you have to expand the scanning facilities to cope with capacity/demand?

User Testing and Acceptance

What approach was adopted and who did the testing?

Who was involved in sign-off?

What process did you use for iterative refinement of the solution?

Technical/IT Support

What contingencies do you have in place for either planned or unplanned outages or events?

How does your support model work, ie. do you have 24/7 support, is it via oncall or do you devolve support to super users in each area/specialty?

How many sites is the data replicated to for a resilience perspective?

How much storage capacity are you consuming year on year?

How much do you anticipate storage capacity will grow going forward?

If you would like further information or advice regarding the responses to any of these questions, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Leigh Baillie

Chief Marketing Officer

Fortrus Ltd

07894 517828


  • Health, Health Care, Pharmaceuticals


  • epr
  • fortrus
  • nhs trusts
  • healthcare
  • document management

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