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“We learn a lot from it”

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“We learn a lot from it”

They have courses and certificates. They practice theory via remote learning and they train it in practice ad nauseam.

You could be forgiven for thinking that the group of experienced seamen from ESVAGT thought that renewing their OPITO certificate with yet another strapping down of a patient and another exercise in CPR would feel tiringly repetitive – but that is far from the truth.

For Henning Jørgensen and Kim Kaae, able seaman and chief engineer on the ’Esvagt Celina’ respectively, and Dan Gaarslev, chief officer on the ’Esvagt Preventer’, the OPITO renewal is another opportunity to learn yet more and become even better:

“We know from our training and our daily work that this is something we need to know how to do and do it well. So we take this opportunity to learn more and ask about actual tasks. We learn a great deal from it,” confirms Kim Kaae.

“Each crew member must pass the test as an individual and must also cooperate to pass in groups. That is also how they work,” says Henning Jørgensen:

“Kim works alone looking after the machines on board the vessel. But if he becomes ill and the rest of us couldn’t take over his duties, everything would stop because we wouldn’t be able to oil the machine. That is why we all need to be able to cover for each other,” says Henning Jørgensen.

They all feel that safety can never just be “good enough” and cannot be practised “too often”. It is second nature to them - for example, during one of his onshore breaks, Henning Jørgensen once jumped out of bed and was half in his immersion suit because he heard a fire alarm – before he realised that the alarm was just from the television!

“A week before I am due to muster again, I can start to feel that my safety focus increases. I don’t relax again until I see Esbjerg in the rear view mirror on the way home from another trip, says Dan Gaarslev, who then immediately corrects himself:

“And yet maybe not. You carry it around with you everywhere, even when you are at home. I always check that the door to the 1st floor is closed so the children don’t fall down the stairs, and when we are on the beach, I keep an eye out for everyone who is swimming. It’s the little things but you can really sense them. Safety is something you wear every day,” says Dan Gaarslev. 



ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea, founded on an experienced and well-trained offshore crew and unmatched rescue capabilities.

We support the offshore Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

In 2010, ESVAGT brought the dedicated offshore wind Service Operation Vessels (SOV) to the market. The SOVs provide accommodation for up to 40 technicians, storage for small turbine parts and a workshop, plus personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.

ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and more than 900 employees on- and offshore. 


Heidi Boddum

Heidi Boddum

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator +45 78 730 772

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Safety & Support at Sea

ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea and a market leader within offshore wind solutions.

We support the offshore Wind and Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

We service offshore wind farms and have a fleet of dedicated Service Operation Vessels (SOV), which ESVAGT pioneered in 2010. The SOVs provide accommodation for technicians, spare time facilities, offices and conference room, storage for small turbine parts, workshops, etc. The SOV offers flexible personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.
ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and approximately 1300 employees offshore and onshore.


Dokvej 4
6700 Esbjerg

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