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'Esvagt Contender'
'Esvagt Contender'

Press release -

”Esvagt Contender” and ”Esvagt Observer” in rescue activity in the North Sea.

A British fishing trawler took on water, and two ESVAGT vessels were the first to come to the rescue. Credit to the crews for good seamanship.

The North Sea is a large ocean especially when, like the fishing trawler ”Roust Mount”, you are right in the middle of it and suddenly begins to take on water.

That is what the trawler did on 27 March and the five-man crew sent an emergency call by Mayday over the Rogaland Radio. The call was received by two ESVAGT vessels “Esvagt Contender”, which was on standby at the Alvheim field in the Norwegian sector, and ”Esvagt Observer”, which was on standby at the Barryl field in the UK sector.

- When the distress call arrived, the vessels first reacted by contacting the platform managers and then ringing up the person on watch in the shipping company – which was me, says Jesper Sjørvad, Operation Manager at ESVAGT.

Having received permission from the platforms to leave the standby tasks, the two ESVAGT vessels took off towards the position stated by ”Roust Mounts”.

- ”Esvagt Contender” launched the FRC with three assistants and a master so that it could travel ahead before the ship would arrive at the position. And ”Esvagt Observer”, which was close by as well, launched the daughter craft, and took the ”Esvagt Observer’s” portable emergency fire pump with them, says Jesper Sjørvad.

Good decisions

”Esvagt Contender’s” FRC was the first to reach the trawler – three hours after the distress call. A short time after that, ”Esvagt Observer’s” daughter craft arrived as well. The ship assistants from the FRC went on board the trawler and began to pump the water out of the trawler with the daughter craft emergency pump. That relieved the situation – but not enough for the trawler to be able to sail ashore without outside assistance.

- When we were in control of the situation, ”Esvagt Observer” sailed back to the Barryl field, whereas ”Esvagt Contender” stayed with the trawler. They wanted us to accompany them ashore, but we could not do that so a tow boat from JR CC was called and helped the trawler to Bergen, says Jesper Sjørvad.

After the sea rescue ESVAGT has received fine feedback form the parties involved. Apache and Maraton, who are operators in the Barryl field and the Alvheim field respectively, have commended the shipping company for demonstrating good seamanship and for having ‘made good decisions’ and the ‘right disposition’. Jesper Sjørvad is of course extremely pleased with that.

- The action demonstrated that we have good seamen who are able to read the situation correctly and make the correct decision. Fortunately, it is rather rare that we have an occasion to show what we can do, but it is nice to know that we can. We can be justly proud of that, he says. 

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ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea, founded on an experienced and well-trained offshore crew and unmatched rescue capabilities.

We support the offshore Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

In 2010, ESVAGT brought the dedicated offshore wind Service Operation Vessels (SOV) to the market. The SOVs provide accommodation for up to 40 technicians, storage for small turbine parts and a workshop, plus personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.

ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and more than 900 employees on- and offshore. 


Heidi Boddum

Heidi Boddum

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator +45 78 730 772

Safety & Support at Sea

ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea and a market leader within offshore wind solutions.

We support the offshore Wind and Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

We service offshore wind farms and have a fleet of dedicated Service Operation Vessels (SOV), which ESVAGT pioneered in 2010. The SOVs provide accommodation for technicians, spare time facilities, offices and conference room, storage for small turbine parts, workshops, etc. The SOV offers flexible personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.
ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and approximately 1300 employees offshore and onshore.


Dokvej 4
6700 Esbjerg

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