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665 days without LTI

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665 days without LTI

ESVAGT’s continual measurement of ’days without incident’ sets a new record every day.

The record for the highest number of days without LTI was broken in the autumn of 2014 when it beat the previous record of 511 days set in 2012.

On the 1st of January 2015, ESVAGT reached a new milestone: 665 days without LTI in the shipping company.

The record grows every day but this record has another side, which concerns Jesper Møhring Madsen, HSEQ Manager for ESVAGT:

“I am really pleased for each and every day that goes by without an LTI,” emphasises Jesper Møhring Madsen:

”Experience, however, can be a treacherous friend. Experience tends to blur our feeling of whether something is dangerous or not. When experienced colleagues work without LTIs for many years and new colleagues see risk as something that is spoken about but not felt personally, then the senses can become dulled,” he points out.

Make allowances for risk

ESVAGT is a shipping company that has experienced enormous growth during the past few years and many new colleagues have joined the company. When you combine 665 days without an LTI with the growth that ESVAGT has enjoyed in the same period, it actually means that one third of ESVAGT’s colleagues work for a shipping company that has not experienced an LTI during their employment.

“When the element of danger cannot be experienced, we must make sure that we explain that the risk is there,” says Jesper Møhring Madsen.

He is focussed on developing what he calls ’ESVAGT’s situational awareness’.

”Situation awareness is our awareness of what we need to keep an eye on so we can work safely. Our situation awareness declines when we have completed a task many times without event and we risk believing that there is no risk associated with the task. That is when really ugly things happen,” says Jesper Møhring Madsen.

Time is therefore dedicated to focussing on awareness during internal seminars: How do we ensure success and safe work processes? What do we need to be aware of?

”Safety comes when we take risk into account. We must never believe that high safety standards happen automatically,” he says.



ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea, founded on an experienced and well-trained offshore crew and unmatched rescue capabilities.

We support the offshore Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

In 2010, ESVAGT brought the dedicated offshore wind Service Operation Vessels (SOV) to the market. The SOVs provide accommodation for up to 40 technicians, storage for small turbine parts and a workshop, plus personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.

ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and more than 900 employees on- and offshore. 


Heidi Boddum

Heidi Boddum

Press contact Marketing & Communications Coordinator +45 78 730 772

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Safety & Support at Sea

ESVAGT is a dedicated provider of safety and support at sea and a market leader within offshore wind solutions.

We support the offshore Wind and Oil & Gas industries with a wide range of specialized services: Standby, Emergency Response and Resque Vessels (ERRV), Oil spill response, Firefighting, Tanker assists, Rig moves, Supply services and Interfield transfer of cargo and personnel.

We service offshore wind farms and have a fleet of dedicated Service Operation Vessels (SOV), which ESVAGT pioneered in 2010. The SOVs provide accommodation for technicians, spare time facilities, offices and conference room, storage for small turbine parts, workshops, etc. The SOV offers flexible personnel and equipment transfer capabilities by either Walk-to-Work gangway system or Safe Transfer Boats.
ESVAGT was founded in 1981 and has a fleet of more than 40 vessels and approximately 1300 employees offshore and onshore.


Dokvej 4
6700 Esbjerg

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