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Forestry spectacles and hybrid forwarders at SkogsElmia

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Forestry spectacles and hybrid forwarders at SkogsElmia

Expertise, new products and innovative strength – they’re all assembled in the same place as SkogsElmia opens its gates in the forest south of Jönköping from 4 to 6 June. World premieres at this year’s fair include a nimble hybrid forwarder and interactive spectacles that enable forest owners to see their forests in a totally new way.

The focus at SkogsElmia is on the Nordic forestry market with its own particular conditions, such as the high proportion of private forest operations, the high degree of mechanisation and the intensive silviculture with multiple thinnings.This year’s three important themes are ground damage, silviculture with a focus on thinning, and innovations that simplify work in the forest.

One such innovation that is being unveiled at the fair is Sydved’s interactive spectacles, C Wear Interactive Glasses. They are designed to help forest owners plan their thinning and felling operations, take measurements and mark various objects.

“It feels terrific to be able to show forest owners how the latest digital technology can add concrete value to active forest ownership,” comments Daniel Fellenius, head of information at Sydved. “Sydved has always focused on creating developments and technology that benefit both the environment and forest owners, and we regard this as one possible step in the development of an active Swedish forest industry.”

Hybrid mini-forwarder

On the machinery side, a number of new products are being presented at SkogsElmia. Finland’s Sampo Rosenlew is presenting its very first forwarder, the FR28, Ponsse is launching new engines, a new cab with an extra frame, and its new mini-forwarder, the Gazelle, and SP Maskiner is presenting its newly updated harvester head, the SP 451.

There will also be the premiere of the world’s first forwarder with hybrid operation, the mini-forwarder Woodtiger GJ30, developed by Woodtiger AB, a subsidiary of Kranman AB. The Woodtiger GJ30 operates with hydrostatic drive off road and like an ordinary tractor with a mechanical gearbox when transporting timber on roads.

“The biggest benefit is the on-road fuel consumption, which is half what it would be if the machine operated only with hydrostatic drive,” explains Åke Johansson, owner of Woodtiger AB and founder of Kranman AB. “You also avoid problems to do with oils overheating in the summertime. With these features we’ve achieved our goals of developing a very easily operated machine both on and off road.”

More interest in forestry

Interest in forests and forest issues has increased greatly in recent years. Many new forest owners are interested in thinning and silviculture and want to know more about them – how they can best care for their forests using sustainable methods. At SkogsElmia visitors can see a range of solutions for reducing ground damage. The research institute Skogforsk has a number of locations at the fair where various silviculture methods are demonstrated in practice. In some cases, forest owners can make direct comparisons between the various options.

“SkogsElmia is a fantastic source of knowledge ‘on tap’, with products, services and expertise all gathered at one and the same spot,” comments Torbjörn Johnsen, Business Manager Forestryat Elmia. “It’s the industry’s big meeting place and it also has a major social dimension and value in that it gives people an opportunity to meet their suppliers, neighbours, former fellow students on training courses and leading industry figures. All you have to do is walk around and listen, and you realise that this is a big social and professional event for many people.”

For more information contact:

Torbjörn Johnsen, Business Manager Forestry, tel. 036-15 22 54, torbjö, or Veronika Albert, Communication manager, tel. 036-15 22 34,

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