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Isaac Rother & The Phantoms: Californian purveyors of ghoulish B-movie fixated R&B serve up new single 'Witches' Brew'

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Beware of Isaac Rother & The Phantoms! These frenzied ghouls are possessed with a unique musical style that combines wild rock 'n’ roll, mid-century rhythm 'n’ blues, and retro horror schlock into a potent, boiling potion! Since forming in 2012, the cape-wearing, afro’d Rother and his Phantoms have released a slew of EP’s, LP’s, cassette tapes, CDs, and music videos to adoring fans all over the world. Their music has taken them as far as Europe and many consider them to be one of the most exciting bands in the business.

From an early age, Isaac Rother knew he was different. It first occurred to him when his primary school teacher asked each pupil to bring in an example of their favourite music.

“I brought in Wipe Out by The Surfaris. I was thinking everyone would bring in some cool rock ’n’ roll song – and nobody did.”

Two decades later, he’s wreaking an act of terrifying revenge on society as the frontman of California's finest purveyors of B-movie fixated R&B. Well, possibly not terrifying, but certainly entertaining, as they summon the spirits of Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, The Sonics and The Crazy World Of Arthur Brown as well as the cheap, nasty but irresistible delinquent blues-punk practised by the original garage and psych bands of the '60s.

This past year the band have been active as inhumanly possible, writing and recording new material along with producing videos for a new full-length album slated for release in 2021. This Halloween, the ghoulish gang will release a new single aptly titled Witches' Brew, which is sure to awaken all true rock 'n' roll spirits from their slumber. The new single will whet the whistles of fans awaiting the release of their long-awaited second full length LP.

So get your goblets out and pour some of this lovely Witches' Brew that will hit you like a reverb laden spell of fun, rock 'n' roll spookiness.

Artist: Isaac Rother & The Phantoms

Single: Witches Brew

Release Date: October 30, 2020

Format: Digital

Label: Self-released

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  • Art, Culture, Entertainment


  • california
  • r&b
  • arthur brown
  • the sonics
  • rock n roll
  • isaac rother & the phantoms
  • witches brew
  • screaming jay hawkins


  • England

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​Reprobate Media have used MyNewsDesk for over 6 years with exceptional results and we would like to offer artists, musicians, record labels, promoters, photographer and filmmakers an exceptionally ​easy-to-use, digital agency-level PR platform, at a price point that reflects the current reality and economics of the entire arts, music and rock 'n' roll sectors.

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