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Inauguration Special: "You Can Be A Fascist Too" - Playboy Manbaby



The Guardian says: "Comedians have been quick to complain that the events of 2016 were “beyond satire”. But try telling that to Arizona circus punks Playboy Manbaby, who have successfully skewered the rise of the alt-right with two-and-a-half minutes of faux-livid hollering – “I am right! I am correct! If you disagree with me I’ll get really upset!” – and a comedy trumpet solo".

This band from Phoenix puts on an insane live show. But this song, which presents a kind of fucked first person perspective on things, shows how easy it can be to fall right into the mentality of those who don’t wish to fight but put their head down — or worse yet, just go with the flow. You can be a fascist too but you shouldn’t want to be one. 



But truth be told, we all have become a bit of a fascist now haven't we? Everyone on both sides have doubled down and will be venting their spleens about who is wrong or right for the next four years. We will let Playboy Manbaby help make this distinction for us.

            Image result for playboy manbaby

Society's in the gutter man it’s really in the pits.
Wouldn’t the world be better without those undesirable bits?
And finally everybody will look and think like me.
Yeah, finally everybody lives in perfect harmony.

You can be a fascist too.
You can be a fascist too.

We don’t need those people with alternative ideas.
No, we don’t need those people with their different perspectives.
I’m tired of thinking that anyone could think that I am wrong.
I wish that they would go away, I wish that they were gone.

You can be a fascist too.
You can be a fascist too.

Now what do you say to those people, when you see them in the streets?
With their different hair and ideas, their different things that they do.
Well, you walk right up to them, you point at them, and you tell em.
What do you tell them? Imma tell you what you tell em.

I am right. I am correct.
If you disagree with me I’ll get really upset.

Image result for playboy manbaby

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