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Artists and Labels Offering Donations, Special Merch, and More Today via Bandcamp

Today, from midnight to midnight Pacific Time, Bandcamp are waiving our share of sales to support artists impacted by Covid-19.

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to impact all of us, and artists have been hit especially hard as tours and shows are canceled for the foreseeable future. With such a major revenue stream drying up almost entirely, finding ways to continue supporting artists in the coming months is an urgent priority for anyone who cares about music and the artists who create it.

But the pandemic and its impact on the music community aren’t over, so on June 5 and July 3 (the first Friday of each month), we’re waiving our revenue share for all sales on Bandcamp, from midnight to midnight PDT on each day. Check for timezone demystification.

Musicians will continue to feel the effects of lost touring income for many months to come, so we’re also sharing some ideas below on how fans can support the artists they love and how artists can give fans new, creative ways to provide support.

It may sound simple, but the best way to help artists is with your direct financial support, and we hope you’ll join us through the coming months as we work to support artists in this challenging time.

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  • keep musicians alive
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Matt Hunter

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