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Artist's impression of the new public square.
Artist's impression of the new public square.

Press release -

Plan to keep Ramsbottom a great location

A plan to help maintain Ramsbottom as a great place for residents, visitors and businesses is being drawn up.

The proposed Town Centre Plan includes proposals to reduce conflict between pedestrians and vehicles, improve linkages between attractions, address parking issues for visitors and help business growth.

This includes plans for a dedicated space to host events and entertainment and measures to help businesses thrive through the creation of an enterprise centre and offices.

Members of Bury Council’s cabinet, when they meet next Wednesday (15 Dec), are being asked to approve a six-week public consultation period on the plans, to begin in January.

Councillor Eamonn O’Brien, leader of the council, said: “Ramsbottom has developed into an attractive visitor destination, supported by the East Lancashire Railway, a high-quality restaurant scene, a range of independent retailers, a popular annual events programme and a growing reputation as one of the best places to live in the region.

“However, it is not immune from the challenges that town centres across the country have faced, with the decline of the high street and the ravages of Covid.

“We need a plan which will enable the town centre to adapt to the changes so that Ramsbottom can continue to be an appealing place to visit and a great place to live and work.”

The draft Ramsbottom Town Plan sets out a series of objectives:

Enhance the town centre for the local community by:

* Maintaining a range of retail, social and greenspace amenities on the doorstep;

* Supporting the concept of ‘live, work and play for local people’; and

* Providing options for quality workspace.

Support the Visitor Economy by:

* Providing infrastructure to enable the continuation of the successful events programme;

* Embracing the East Lancashire Railway as an important visitor attraction;

* Helping to support the businesses which make Ramsbottom unique such as independent retailers and quality food and beverage outlets;

* Better connecting the town centre with Nuttall Park; and

* Supporting the overall town centre offer.

Support Arts, Culture and Heritage by:

* Helping to support the arts and culture as an asset for local people and visitors;

* Better connecting with the Irwell Sculpture Trail;

* Reclaiming the riverfront; and

* Maintaining the town’s architectural character

To further those aims, a series of proposals focus on:

New Public Square

    * The addition of a new public square and events space in the core town centre to provide the infrastructure to enable the continuation and improvement of a successful events programme.

    Improved Public Realm

      * Establish a network of better-connected streets and spaces by improving existing infrastructure and creating new focal spaces and pedestrianised areas. 

      Active Travel

        * Encourage active travel by improving strategic pedestrian and cycle links, connecting valuable green assets and amenities to the town centre such as Nuttall Park and new links to the river frontage.

        Enterprise Centre

          * Feasibility studies are being carried out on the Market Chambers and vacant upper floors of the Civic Hall, with the aim of providing an Enterprise Centre within the town. This will provide accommodation for a range of self-employed, freelance businesses and business start-ups, along with those residents seeking flexible and agile business space.

          Car Parking Strategy

            * The car parking strategy will aim to find a better balance for all users, including existing businesses and residents, and regular and occasional visitors. The plan proposes to introduce short stay car parking in the heart of the town, the option of a residents permit scheme and an edge of centre long-stay provision which can accommodate longer stay and event parking.


            Press release issued: 9 December 2021.




            Peter Doherty

            Peter Doherty

            Press contact Press Officer Press Office

            Committed to providing good quality services to our residents

            Bury Council consists of six towns, Bury, Ramsbottom, Tottington, Radcliffe, Whitefield and Prestwich. Formed in April 1974 as a result of Local Government re-organisation it was one of the ten original districts that formed the County of Greater Manchester. The Borough has an area of 9,919 hectares (24,511 acres) and serves a population of 187,500.

            Bury Council

            Knowsley Street
            BL9 OSW Bury, Lancashire