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Emora Release Statement on How Young Professionals Can Keep Their Eyes on the Prize

Going back to basics is extremely important for those looking to advance within the sales industry. Emora Ltd. understands that while its contractors are regularly reminded of their job role, they can sometimes be distracted by their progression potential or their success’ or failures. Consequently, the firm is using this week’s workshops to hone in on the basics of sales and how young professionals can utilise some simple tips to remain focused on their role and responsibilities while pursuing success.

The firm has been focusing in on tonality and the importance of getting the tone and rhythm of a customer conversation right. Most importantly,  Emora Ltd. wants its young workforce to practice coming across with positivity and enthusiasm for clients' brands and products. While the firm may specialise in outsourced sales and marketing, Emora Ltd. believes it's power lies in driving engaging and personalised customer experiences, through meaningful conversation. The firm is confident that by having a genuine passion for clients brands and being approachable and friendly, it's contractors will attract greater consumer interest and develop long-lasting connections with a wider demographic.

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Emora Ltd. has also been primarily focusing on the organisation, especially in the run up to the busy holiday season. Organisation remains one of the core values of Emora Ltd, and the firm provides constant reminders to its workforce of its fundamental nature. With Christmas around the corner, the company is utilising making time to discuss schedules with its contractors and concentrate on their goals for the coming months, what sales targets they want to hit and how this will translate into their weekly and daily calendar. Lauren Harrison, Managing Director at Emora Ltd, stated in a recent statement that in sales “organisation is everything” and contractors need to prepare with a structured plan of how they can utilise their time and skills in the field most effectively.

With an in-depth analysis of the fundamentals of success in the sales and marketing sector, Emora Ltd. is confident that its workforce will efficiently be prepared to take advantage of the Christmas period. The company understands that Christmas is often a productive time for contractors and is keen that their back to basics advice will focus minds on some key areas of progression.


  • Media, Communication


  • emora ltd


  • England

Emora are direct marketing specialists who offer personalised marketing campaigns on behalf of their clients’ brands. Based in Nottingham, the firm have access to market reach across the UK which is converted into loyal customers through unique marketing methods.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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