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Blue Moose investigate the importance of tone in face to face sales

Sales and Marketing experts, Blue Moose, are ramping up their training programme this week with an in-depth workshop on the importance of tonality during a sales pitch. They are adamant that each of their workforce should approach their day with positivity and charisma in order to reach their targets. This week they are using their daily workshops to ensure they get their tone right.

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The firm is keen that their sales representative conveys empathy, honesty and enthusiasm when delivering a pitch and argue that this is achieved through the use of three tools:

Inflection - the alteration of pitch

Pace - the speed at which the pitch is given

Modulation - the volume in which you talk

The firm reassures its contractors that those speaking in a plodding manner come across as tired or disinterested, while rapid fire deliveries are also problematic as they present the sales rep as nervous. Instead, Blue Moose implore their sales representatives to use inflexion on the right words to come across as more passionate and convincing. Likewise, a high-pitched emphatic tone suggests enthusiasm while the right pace offers an understanding perspective.

For Blue Moose, striking the right tone is of the utmost importance and are asking each of their contractors to pair up and practice their sales pitch before going out into the field. Blue Moose want their contractors to realise that every pitch has to be different and they should adapt their tone depending on the individual they are talking to. For example, if a customer is naturally more closed off, they should adjust their inflexion in order to generate more leading statements to engage that individual. On the other hand, if they are interested in the pitch one should try and lower the volume of their voice in order to calm the situation.

A Blue Moose spokesperson, released a statement this week, stating that:

“every pitch is different, but there are something’s you can modify to improve the pitch. I want my contractors to be experts, and I am confident this workshop will improve their awareness of the importance of tone.”

Moving forward, Blue Moose are confident their contractors will be prepared for the lead up to the Christmas season and believe that by practising their sales pitches they will be ready for any customer interaction.



  • Working life


  • blue moose


  • Greater Manchester

Blue Moose is a direct marketing agency that offers ongoing sales solutions for clients in a range of business sectors. Already established in many locations across the UK, Blue Moose is fast becoming one of the country’s most successful personalised marketing specialists.


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