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Arete22 Speak Out in Defence of Millennials, and Outline Why They Make Great Business Professionals

Arete22, a Manchester-based sales and marketing agency, prides itself on being made up of ambitious and passionate young professionals. The firm has spoken out to dispel common myths surrounding millennials - and how it’s hoping to change perceptions.

Arete22: About the firm.

Manchester's most ambitious sales and marketing firm Arete22 has spoken out on the treatment of millennials in the working world and warned businesses against making dubious generalisations about this demographic.

In a statement, the firm addressed the negativity around millennial workers and looked to quash some of the most damaging attitudes facing them in the business world. “Millennials are regularly cited as being disloyal and financially Illiterate, as well as unsatisfied with work and lacking a solid work ethic, which in our experience is simply not true,” confirmed Cyril Williams, Managing Director at Arete22.

In fact, the firm was eager to highlight a number of studies that state quite the opposite. Pew Research found that millennials are no more disloyal to their workplaces than the generation before them, and it is an imbalance between pay and the cost of living which is causing millennials to lack disposable income, not financial illiteracy according to a report by the Resolution Foundation.

However, the myth Arete22 was the keenest to debunk in its recent statement was that millennials lack work ethic, and believe this attitude stems from a lack of opportunity in the current jobs market.

“Millennials are ambitious and don’t want to stop learning the day they leave college or university. However, many workplaces aren’t providing the environment or scope for progression, which is creating a generation of disengaged workers. People will only ever thrive if they are given the freedom to try new things and live up to their full potential,” outlined Mr Williams.

Arete22 has committed to creating a culture where millennials are supported in their ambitions. The firm encourages calculated risks from its young professionals and allows them to set their own goals. “We give young professionals the chance to experiment and develop new skills; we don’t believe in locking down on one path, professional success is the result of adventure,” continued Arete22’s Managing Director.

Through one on one mentoring, UK wide networking and a 100 percent reward culture Arete22 is changing the working world for millennials. The firm is confident its supportive community will not only help identify the leaders of tomorrow but will encourage more businesses to recognise and celebrate the benefits millennials can bring to the workplace.



  • Business enterprise, General


  • arete22


  • Greater Manchester


CEO - Cyril Williams

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We create and execute non-traditional marketing campaigns to engage your target audience directly. Arete22 will not use any of the millions of pounds you may have already spent on traditional forms of marketing such as TV, Radio, Print or even social media. Instead we will use our face to face approach to acquire quality, long lasting customers.


Stacey Kehoe

Press contact Communications director

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