Press release -

New Patented Manoeuvrability Adapter For Your Pallet Truck

The Swedish company Bohena AB is the sole General Agent in Europe for a new unique and patented solution for pallet trucks that will significantly simplify the handling of your truck, saving time and money while helping to protect your employees from work related injuries and back pain. Our belief is that Turnabout is set to become product of the year within material handling. Turn@bout  consists of two extra wheels that are simple and quick to mount on your truck allowing it rotate freely on the spot.

Does your company have problems with a cramped warehouse or loading dock? Struggling to efficiently use your pallet truck? Mount a Turn@bout manoeuvrability adapter to your pallet truck and watch it track through your warehouse like an extension of your arm. The usual turning radius of a pallet truck now becomes the turning diameter – that’s a massive 72% increase in manoeuvrability and efficiency. No more heavy lifting, kicking, or wrestling the pallet truck into position.

The time saved through quicker handling results in a fast return on investment. At the same time you will get less damaged goods, quicker handling,  increased usable space in a cramped warehouse and protection from work related injuries for your employees giving you major cost savings .

Truck drivers we have talked to are overjoyed when they discover how Turn@bout makes their work a piece of cake on a cramped loading dock.

Read testimonials from customers on our website, you will also find a movie showing how much easier it is to use a pallet truck fitted with the Turn@bout adapter.

Besides in Europe Bohena AB will also market and sell the adapter in South America and other Hispanic countries under the name Gir@libre. Read more about Bohena on

Sten-Anders Fellman


  • Retail


  • turnabout
  • pallet jack
  • hand truck
  • pallet truck


  • England

Bohena AB is a privately held Swedish company incorporated in 2001
as owned and operated by Sten-Anders Fellman

The company has a wide range of services, among them the following:

- General Agent in Europe for the Turn@bout adapter for pallet jacks
- Distributor of suction dredgers for Do It Your Self (DIY)
- Distributor of EasyFloat rafts and floating docks
- Dealer of Round Saunas link
- Distributor of R-A-M mounting system
- Nordic distributor of Flysynthesis Ultra Light aircrafts
- Develops and sells alarm systems
- Offer business contacts between Scandinavia and Colombia
- Perform company reconstructions under the law on reorganization
- Perform consulting assignments in management, economics and computer
- Photographer, specialty aerial photos, large image bank of photos from the Åland Islands link
- Investing in promising companies like  and more
- See also for further information

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