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New World’s First Expansion – Rise of the Angry Earth – Is Available Now

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New World’s First Expansion – Rise of the Angry Earth – Is Available Now

Today, Amazon Games officially launched New World: Rise of the Angry Earth, the first paid expansion for the open world role-playing game. Coinciding with the game’s second anniversary, New World: Rise of the Angry Earthintroduces mounts, progression and increased level cap to 65, new gear rarity, weapon, a transformed Zone, a new end-game Expedition, Heartrune ability, and more.

In Rise of the Angry Earth, the southeastern tip of Aeternum, formerly known as First Light, has fallen. Once a welcoming place for newcomers to Aeternum, the fields have been ravaged by the fury of Artemis and the Angry Earth. No one is certain what has become of the people and villages that once populated the area, and a deadly barrier has kept all but the most intrepid from attempting to find out. This abundance of earthly powers has awakened the mighty Beast Lords, a new possible adversary facing the people of Aeternum, but with them also comes a boon - the secret to taming and riding animals.

New World: Rise of the Angry Earth new content and features include:

  • Mounts - Players can summon and master horses, dire wolves, lions for faster traversal across Aeternum.
  • A Zone Transformed - Elysian Wilds - A magical, mysterious landscape transformed by Artemis and the Angry Earth with Gorillas, Mammoths, and other beasts to battle.
  • New Weapon - Flail - A versatile one-handed weapon, the Flail can be used on its own or with a shield. Through a combination of melee, arcane magic, and strong defenses, the wielder can bolster their group’s effectiveness without dropping the offensive.
  • New Progression - Players can increase character levels to 65 and Gear Score to 700 with new attributes to help power up builds. Trade skills can be increased to level 250 with new items to gather, refine and craft.
  • New Expedition - The Savage Divide - Open to players level 60 and above, explorers track down the primordial Beast Lords in search of new high-level rewards.
  • New Heartrune Ability - Primal Fury - Players can unleash their inner beast and deal unarmed light and heavy attacks on enemies.

Players who already own New World can unearth Aeternum’s next chapter for $29.99. New players can pick up both the base game and the expansion for $69.99 as part of the New World: Elysian Edition bundle.



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