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Refurbishment and power upgrade for Unipetrol

ÅF in Czech Republic has won an international tender for the refurbishment and power upgrade of two steam boilers, each with a capacity of 100 tonnes/h.


The assignment includes presenting alternatives for the modernisation of the boilers, as well as accompanying economic analyses. The assignment also includes feasibility studies as applicable, as well as tender documentation and customer support during the tender for obtaining an EIA decision and territory permit.

Unipetrol RPA is part of the ORLEN Group and is a major petrochemical producer in central Europe. The purpose of the study is to provide potential solutions for the steam source, comprised of two boilers with a total capacity of 200t/h. The study is divided into two phases followed by a third phase of documentation.

The first phase is a study of various technical solutions for the boiler house. At least one of the solutions will include an expansion to the existing boiler without additional construction. The first phase also includes an economic and financial analysis.

Phase two consists of the detailed analysis of the option considered most feasible from the previous stages. This phase will produce technical data for the detailed tender documentation as well as data for EIA, IPPC or territory permit. 

The total contract value is 440,000 EUR. This contract could improve ÅF’s position in the upcoming tender for Owner Engineer Services for the new boiler house.

If you want to know more about this project, please contact Vladislava Balonova.


  • Science, technology


  • petrochemical


Marta Tiberg

Press contact Head of Communication & Brand Responsible for external and internal communication whitin the Group. +46 10 505 35 75

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