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How Has Technology Revolutionized the Control Room?

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How Has Technology Revolutionized the Control Room?

Cast your mind back a number of years, and the world’s industrial landscape looked very different to the current day. Modern technology has carved the way for smart devices – which in turn have impacted the ways in which we live and operate. Computers are faster, higher-powered, and more intelligent than ever before. There is no doubt that this digital transformation has made our lives easier, faster, and better – but it has also forced organizations to adapt and evolve to accommodate an ever-changing technological environment.

There are perhaps few industries that have been as revolutionized by technology as the control room. These mission-critical spaces have advanced by combining myriad of new innovations to create a more productive and agile environment. An adaptability that applies to both the physical aspect of technology, and the infrastructure upon which it sits.

But how have control rooms been able to seamlessly connect all this new technology and manage the influx of data being generated by faster PCs and more accessible technology? All while still delivering critical real-time access to operators.

Download Adder’s latest white paper to find out how high performance KVM is supporting control rooms around the world as they navigate through their digital transformation and discover how connectivity solutions can sit at the heart of the control room to connect operators with their critical computers.




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The global specialist in connectivity and high performance IP KVM

A global market leader in connectivity solutions, Adder Technology enables the real-time control and management of distributed IT systems. With a presence in over 60 countries, Adder works with a network of distributors, resellers and OEMs to connect millions of devices worldwide. Adder is a thought leader and continues to deliver excellence through innovation.

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