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Future-proofing the product portfolio and operations - Trioworld publishes its Sustainability Report 2023

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Future-proofing the product portfolio and operations - Trioworld publishes its Sustainability Report 2023

Trioworld, a leading producer of innovative, high-performance plastic film solutions in Europe and North America with its head office in Sweden, has released its eighth annual sustainability report. Some of the highlights during the year are the extensive share of post-consumer recycled (PCR) content in the product portfolio, the expansion of the company’s recycling capabilities, and the launch of an upgraded safety culture.

"We are future-proofing both our product portfolio and our operations. Trioworld has set an ambitious greenhouse gas emission reduction target – net-zero by 2050, which now has been verified by the Science-Based Target initiative. Our focus on PCR content in our product offering together with the expansion of our recycling sites is necessary to be able to reach this target. And of course, our people are the main priority, safety is always on the top of our agenda”, says Oskar Karlsson, Chief Procurement Officer, and VP Sustainability at Trioworld Group.

PCR, design for recycling and recycling capacity

Trioworld is leading in solutions with PCR content. By the end of 2023, the consumed PCR in relation to total production volume reached 15,5%1, a significant progress compared to 2022.

Trioworld supports circularity of plastics with the aim to ensure that products are designed for recycling (DfR). 100%1 of Trioworld’s sold product volumes should have a comparable alternative that is DfR2 by 1st of January 2025. At the end of 2023, 89%1 of the sold product volumes had a DfR alternative that could be offered to customers.

The expansion of recycling capacity continues. Trioworld is increasing the recycling capacity of external plastic waste in the recycling sites at Trioworld Reviva Korsberga and Trioworld Ombree d’Anjou, enabling even more plastic waste to be recycled.

Prioritising safety

The launch of a new safety culture during 2023 is an important priority when future-proofing operations. The target is zero LTAR (Lost Time Accident Rate) and the renewed focus on safety has already shown progress towards this target.

Read the full Trioworld Sustainability report 2023 and a short version, the Trioworld Sustainability Highlights Report 2023

For more information, please contact
Oskar Karlsson, CPO and VP Sustainability, Trioworld Group, +46 768 32 96 98
Helena Hed, Director of Marketing & Communications, Trioworld Group, +46 70 643 7975

1Excluding North America division, separate targets for this division are under development.
2Excluded from this target: medical applications and hygiene laminations – i.e., products with the purpose of use that will make the product contaminated in such a way that mechanical recycling is not possible.

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About Trioworld Group

Trioworld is a leading supplier of innovative, high-performance plastic film, providing solutions for consumer- and industrial packaging, transport packaging, agriculture, hygiene, and medical technology. The company is a leading player in the sector with an annual turnover of 1 billion EUR and 1800 employees. The group´s head office is in Smålandsstenar, Sweden, with production and recycling sites in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada. Products and solutions are sold around the world.


Helena Hed

Helena Hed

Press contact Group Director, Marketing & Communications 0706437975

Welcome to Trioworld !

Trioworld is a leading supplier of innovative, high-performance plastic film, providing solutions for consumer- and industrial packaging, transport packaging, agriculture, hygiene, and medical technology. The company is a leading player in the sector with an annual turnover of 1 billion EUR and 1800 employees. The group´s head office is in Smålandsstenar, Sweden, with production and recycling sites in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Canada. Products and solutions are sold around the world.


Parkgatan 10
SE-333 23 Smålandsstenar

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