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Impressive annual results for Systematic - once again

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Impressive annual results for Systematic - once again

Systematic finished the financial year with positive results, its revenue totalling EUR 129.5 million. Further export sales and a growing interest in the company’s healthcare solutions are among the reasons for the good performance.

Software company Systematic can now add yet another successful financial year to its solid track record, when the company today publishes its annual accounts. Once again, Systematic founder and CEO Michael Holm is pleased to announce that the company made a substantial profit. Although the result is not on a par with last year, he is very pleased with what’s been achieved.

“Last year’s record performance was completely unique and was due to the substantial licence order from the US Army. Looking at how Systematic has performed over a five-year period, we can see that revenue has grown by an average of 22.3 per cent each year. We are therefore very pleased with the results for the past financial year and especially with the development of our profits over the long term,” explains Michael Holm.

Increased exports of both healthcare and defence solutions as well as sales to the Danish market have been the major drivers for this financial year’s results. In the spring of 2018, Region Syddanmark (the Region of Southern Denmark) selected Systematic as its future supplier of electronic patient records, while 30 Danish municipalities have now signed up for the company’s Cura electronic citizen record system. By 2019, two more Danish municipalities will be implementing the Cura system, which means it will then be in use by one third of the municipalities in Denmark and meeting the needs of 2.4 million citizens.

“2017/2018 became a year when Systematic again achieved big successes in the Danish healthcare system. We have expanded our clientele in terms of systems for managing electronic patient records, service logistics and citizen records, and we look forward to helping link Danish regions and municipalities more closely, so that individual citizens and the Danish healthcare system as a whole can benefit even more from digitisation,” says Michael Holm.

In the financial year, which runs from October 2017 to September 2018, Systematic welcomed more than 300 new employees, and in August 2018 the company was able to celebrate its 1,000th employee.

“We have had yet another eventful year and are already well into the next, with a solid order book and many exciting projects ahead. So we are certainly confident about future business development,” says Michael Holm.

In the near term, the North American market will be in Systematic’s spotlight, including a recently established office in Canada.

The year in numbers
  • Revenue EUR 129.5m compared with EUR 150.6m 2016/2017
  • EBIT EUR 17.2m compared with EUR 51.1m last year
  • Equity 45.5 compared with 59.5m last year
  • 100% self-financed, with no bank loans or external capital

“Establishing a footprint in Canada marks the start of an exciting new chapter for Systematic. The Canadian Armed Forces are a long-time customer and at the same time play an important role in NATO and elsewhere. Also, we believe that the country can benefit from our healthcare solutions” concludes Michael Holm.


Established in 1985, Systematic A/S develops software and system solutions to customers in both the public and private sector. A common feature of these customers is a need to integrate, compare and analyse large volumes of complex data, and to generate an overview that allows decision-making based on a solid foundation, often in critical situations.

Systematic’s software solutions are used in healthcare, intelligence, law enforcement, defence, education, renewable energy and utilities industries.

Today, Systematic is the largest privately owned software company in Denmark, with solutions sold to customers in 50+ countries. More than 1 million people worldwide use Systematic solutions and services every day.

Systematic has approximately 1,100+ employees and is headquartered in Aarhus, Denmark, with offices in Copenhagen, Australia, Canada, Finland, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, Romania and the United States.


Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Press contact PR & Communication Manager +45 4196 5013


Since our foundation in 1985, we have developed into an international IT company that focuses on five core business areas: Digitalisation, Healthcare, Defence, Intelligence & National Security, and Library & Learning

A common feature of all these sectors is a need to integrate, compare and analyse large volumes of complex data, and to generate an overview that allows decision-making based on a solid foundation, often in critical situations.
Even though our customers are active in many different fields, what we do is actually quite narrowly focused. As we see it, our role is to make complicated things simple, to continue development of the solutions that our customers already know and trust, and do everything a little better - and to constantly challenge existing work processes and technologies.

Everything we do at Systematic is expressed in our four brand values: Simplicity. Trust. Performance. Forward-thinking.

Systematic A/S

Søren Frichs Vej 39
8000 Aarhus C

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