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Working at Systematic Bucharest

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Working at Systematic Bucharest

What is it like to be part of a community where everybody supports your growth? We asked this question to our two systemates Patricia Burlea and Gheorghe Cazacu, who are both working at our office in Bucharest in the Defence department. Patricia has been working as a Systems Engineer for almost two years, whereas Gheorghe joined Systematic as a Senior Systems Engineer one year ago, when the pandemic forced us to work exclusively remotely.

Gheorghe Cazacu, Senior Systems Engineer

At Systematic, I found a creative work environment that provides autonomy to explore my ideas

Systematic is a company that encourages you to be what you want to be. Here, I found an open environment, where people make an effort to listen to you and to work with you on implementing your ideas, while offering the best solution for the customer. The first thing that crosses my mind when I think about Systematic is the unicity of its Defence projects.

Before joining Systematic, 90% of the projects I worked on were based only on implementing the specifications that came from the client. Here in Systematic, you have the chance to come up with ideas and proposals and to be creative while offering the best solution based on the clients’ needs. It is very satisfying to see that by the end of each release your ideas and personality are reflected in the new feature. It is an environment where people are willing to listen to your ideas.

I chose to be part of Systematic because of its unique identity

Although Systematic is a global company, we still have a strong sense of community and familiarity. Here I found a good balance between a relaxed and easy-going work environment combined with the rigorous way of working specifically for the Defence industry. We do follow standardized processes and procedures to comply with CMMI5 quality standards. However, we have a strong sense of unity. I find this style very prominent. Although we have procedures, the feeling of start-up remained, where you can come up with an idea, and in a short time it can be a piece of a produc

t or even a new product. Agility and openness to accept new proposals. If your idea is an idea that others find valuable, the implementation process can be very quick.

Patricia Burlea, Systems Engineer

You are trusted from day one

If someone would ask me what it is like to work at Systematic, I would answer that it's a fantastic experience! In the sense that you have ownership in what you do and you bring value to the projects you work with. You have complete autonomy with your work and control over the process. Even from day one, you are trusted by your manager and peers and are encouraged to speak up and share your ideas.

I decided that I wanted to be a part of the company starting from the first interview. I enjoyed the fact that it was more like a free discussion, where I had the chance to understand the organizational culture and the complexity of the Defence solutions. I was also attracted by the fact that it was a full-stack position and by the new and innovative technologies used in the department.

All the people with whom I work in Systematic are supporting my growth journey

Being part of Systematic offered me the opportunity to develop not only on the technical side, but on the soft skills level as well. This duo, while having the support of my project manager, helped me to increase my self-confidence. I was at the beginning of my professional road and I was very shy, but the project manager helped me to trust myself and learn new things.

Before joining Systematic, I had no experience in building an application. However, my colleagues had confidence and patience with me to learn this. I have progressed in working in Java, Scala and Angular. I learned how Angular JS is organized and how it is structured and what are the differences between Angular JS and Angular. Later I learned how to turn an Angular JS application into a Hybrid application that uses Angular.

We work agile while having an eye on continuous improvement

In our department, we work agile and we evaluate our performances and we find ways for improvement from sprint to sprint. Whenever we have an issue we try to solve it quickly. After the release, we have a retrospective meeting, where we analyze what went well and what can be improved. We are having a rigorous schedule, combining a mix of planning sessions and daily scrums where we address the issues to fix them quickly.

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Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Press contact PR & Communication Manager +45 4196 5013


Since our foundation in 1985, we have developed into an international IT company that focuses on five core business areas: Digitalisation, Healthcare, Defence, Intelligence & National Security, and Library & Learning

A common feature of all these sectors is a need to integrate, compare and analyse large volumes of complex data, and to generate an overview that allows decision-making based on a solid foundation, often in critical situations.
Even though our customers are active in many different fields, what we do is actually quite narrowly focused. As we see it, our role is to make complicated things simple, to continue development of the solutions that our customers already know and trust, and do everything a little better - and to constantly challenge existing work processes and technologies.

Everything we do at Systematic is expressed in our four brand values: Simplicity. Trust. Performance. Forward-thinking.

Systematic A/S

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8000 Aarhus C

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