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Why we need women in the it business

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Why we need women in the it business

It takes a lot of extra energy and dedication to choose a field where you are outnumbered gender-wise. It proves that you really want it, and we need that, says Gauri Varmer Heise. 

Why have you chosen a career in IT?

I have always liked the interaction between man and machine. It generates a certain dynamic. For that reason, I commenced a Master's degree in computer science. However, later, I found out that my interest really lies in the combination of IT and communication – the hard-core and fixed together with making things work and creating value for people. I knew from an early stage that I was capable of becoming very good at this. Likewise, I have a natural interest in user interfaces and testing, which contributed with finding my career path.

I realised that IT is a very dynamic field that constantly undertakes new developments. That really speaks to me as I continuously have to respond to new things, which only contributes to my development.

How do you experience being a woman in a male-dominated world?

It does not have a presence in my daily work. I have always been comfortable being around men as you get to the point a lot faster compared to women. Things are not hidden either, and you can expect a straight answer. In contrast, I do see the funny part of being the only woman in my office and only dealing with a male customer portfolio.

Have you ever experience any challenges in regard to being a woman and working in IT?

As a woman in IT, you have to listen to several jokes about being a woman in IT. However, I have always been good at turning bad or challenging situations into something constructive – sometimes even comical – which is a good approach to keep in mind.

If you get easily affected emotionally by things being said in a direct or even a harsh way sometimes, you might face some challenges. However, that is not very different compared to other fields. Another challenge might be that women spend more time on reflecting and processing things, which is not always possible in such a dynamic field. Things happen here and now, and you move on very quickly to the next step.

Why does the IT business need more women?

Women think differently in comparison to men and are able to contribute with new perspectives on problems and tasks. This is a big advantage and something I notice when I do job. We focus on other aspects than men, and it makes the reading of some people easier.

I notice that a vast number of women in the IT business are very determined and passionate about what they do. It takes a lot of extra energy and dedication when actively choosing a field where you are outnumbered gender-wise. It proves that you really want it, and we need that.

Do you have any advice to women who consider pursuing a career in IT?

It is absolutely key that you know yourself well and what you stand for as a person. If you manage to do this, you can navigate within every area of the business and go very far. Furthermore, it is important that you do not take things too personally. It comes more natural for women to take things too personally and overinterpret. However, within this business, it is necessary to approach things differently and move on faster. Having said that, remember to keep your female genes in other situations as this is the reason why we need more women in IT - we do think differently, and that is only a good thing.

Prepare yourself and get ready to be one of a kind. It happens as soon as you begin your education.

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Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Maia Lindstrøm Sejersen

Press contact PR & Communication Manager +45 4196 5013


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