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Swedish capital endorses women’s economic empowerment in rural India. Picture from a weekly meeting with a borrowers group.
Swedish capital endorses women’s economic empowerment in rural India. Picture from a weekly meeting with a borrowers group.

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Swedish capital endorses women’s economic empowerment in rural India

Swedfund, the Swedish development finance Institution, invests up to 25 MUSD in the form of a Senior Unsecured Loan to one of India’s leading microfinance institutions - CreditAccess Grameen Ltd. Through this investment, Swedfund emphasizes the support to financial inclusion in rural India when contributing to women’s economic empowerment.

India has been hit hard by Covid-19 leading to a halt in economic activity and a rise in poverty. The pandemic, and in particular subsequent lockdown measures predominantly in urban areas, have had an adverse impact on the Indian microfinance market. Access to long-term funding is crucial to support continued lending to rural families for income generation, and this has increased the importance for institutions like Swedfund.

- Focusing solely on female customers, CreditAccess Grameen addresses women with their offerings in a way that is benefiting women and strengthening their economic empowerment, role and opportunities in society. In the wake of the pandemic the demand for income-generating loans is expected to be high, increasing the importance of microfinance institutions such as CreditAccess Grameen, says Maria Håkansson, CEO of Swedfund.

    Investing in CreditAccess Grameen is expected to support financial inclusion among underserved women in mainly rural India by providing them with access to income generating loans, e.g. used for starting a business, investing in machinery raising productivity or as working capital. Alongside income generating loans, CreditAccess Grameen provides financial literacy training to customers which is expected to contribute to women’s economic empowerment and lasting impact in terms of improved income generation and gender equality.

    Swedfund has conducted a virtual Due Diligence and is expected to contribute to strengthened employment practices in the microfinance sector and in general support the Company’s ESG capacity. Chennai-based Northern Arc Capital, a debt investor and platform in the credit segment, advised Swedfund in the transaction. Credit Access Grameen is Swedfund’s second investment in Indian microfinance sector underpinning the strong impact case created by supporting rural female borrowers.

    CreditAccess Grameen qualifies as a Swedfund gender investment through the 2X Challenge.

    About CreditAccess Grameen Limited

    CreditAccess Grameen Limited is the largest microfinance institution in India. It is headquartered in Bangalore and focuses on providing micro-loans to women customers, predominantly in rural areas across India.



    About Swedfund

    Swedfund is Sweden's development finance institution for sustainable investments in developing countries. In order to achieve the goal - a world without poverty - more jobs are required in the private sector as well as increased access to renewable energy. Investments are therefore made within the energy & climate and healthcare sectors while also focusing on reaching small and medium-sized companies.

    As a state-owned company, Swedfund is managed by the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. The operations are financed partly through capital injections for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible and through re-flows from our own portfolio.

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    Karin Kronhöffer

    Karin Kronhöffer

    Press contact Director, Strategy & Communication +46 72 050 31 91
    Axel Hallgren

    Axel Hallgren

    Press contact Press and Communications Manager +46 70 234 49 46

    Reducing poverty through sustainable investments

    Swedfund is the Swedish government’s Development Finance Institution, contributing through sustainable investment to economic and environmental development as well as a positive impact to society in the world poorest countries.


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    P.O. Box 3286, SE-10365 Stockholm

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