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Great potential for job creation in the private sector and manufacturing industry

Great potential for job creation in the private sector and manufacturing industry

We have focused our efforts in the sectors deemed best able to achieve development, which is in line with our mission. Where we have the greatest opportunity to generate benefits depends on a number of factors, such as experience in the sector and where we can best achieve results in equality, the environment and the creation of jobs.

Sustainable energy - a prioritised sector

Sustainable energy - a prioritised sector

​Sustainable energy for all is an explicit goal in Agenda 2030. It is also a prioritised sector for Swedfund’s investments. Electrification drives development, and is essential for jobcreation and combating poverty.

Esther Ntakinyua & Edna Mwende, AAR Healthcare, Nairobi, Kenya

The Development Impact

Financing for sustainable development can come from several sources; aid, private capital, domestic tax-based financing and from development finance institutions. The sources of finance can be regarded as different, but complimentary, tools in the fight for sustainable development. Here we explain about the tools, focusing on what the development finance institution achieves.

Swedfund's talent programme Women4Growth aims to inspire and strengthen women in their professional roles.

The Economic Power of Gender Equality

This post by MD Anna Ryott is part of the UN Foundations blog series, “Her Goals: Our Future,” which highlights the connections between girls and women and the Sustainable Development Goals.

​Swedfund supports entrepreneurship in Cambodia

​Swedfund supports entrepreneurship in Cambodia

Swedfund invests MUSD 5 through a loan in Acleda Bank, a bank with strong focus on social and economic development. The loan enables the Bank's continued expansion in rural areas and thus contributes to increased employment and development of domestic production.

​Swedfund Enhances Access to Capital to SMEs in Tanzania

​Swedfund Enhances Access to Capital to SMEs in Tanzania

Swedfund invests MUSD 5 in Tanzanian National Microfinance Bank (NMB) through a syndicated loan led by the Dutch Development Bank FMO. The funds will primarily be used for on-lending to small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) and corporate borrowers, thereby contributing to job creation in Tanzania.

​Swedfund invests in NIGERIAN Ecobank

​Swedfund invests in NIGERIAN Ecobank

Swedfund invests MUSD 10 in the Nigerian Ecobank through a subordinated term loan. The investment is made in conjunction with, among others, the Dutch development bank FMO and is an important contribution to the development of the country’s private sector.

Reducing poverty through sustainable investments

Swedfund is the Swedish government’s Development Finance Institution, contributing through sustainable investment to economic and environmental development as well as a positive impact to society in the world poorest countries.


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