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Maria Håkansson, CEO Swedfund
Maria Håkansson, CEO Swedfund

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Swedfund CEO Maria Håkansson appointed as new board member of EDFI

At the EDFI Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday, May 15 a new Chair and new members of the board were appointed. Swedfund CEO Maria Håkansson take place as one of six members of the board.

Swedfund is along with our 14 equivalents in Europe, a member of EDFI – the Association of European Development Finance Institutions. The common strategy of the DFIs, to create economically, environmental and socially sustainable development, is to invest in profitable and sustainable businesses in the private sector in developing countries.

- I believe that Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement constitutes a transformative plan for action, and I look forward contributing to accelerate its implementation by contributing to the further development of EDFI through my seat on the board, says Maria Håkansson, CEO Swedfund. One of the great challenges I look forward working with is to develop platforms that will allow for increase mobilisation of private capital for Africa.

The members of EDFI make joint investments and often use harmonised requirements and follow-up procedures. This gives the development finance institutions a stronger voice and, most importantly helps to ensure that they are executing well on their mission to create decent jobs and ensure investments in renewable energy in developing countries. EDFI works to create the conditions for an effective exchange between its members and with other bilateral, multilateral and regional development institutions within the EU.

EDFI has a portfolio of EUR 37 billion, split between 5,000 individual commitments. The renewable energy sector has increased the last years and is today the second largest sector, it accounts for almost 30% of EDFI's new investment. Around half of the investments are joint investments between two or more DFIs.




Karin Kronhöffer

Karin Kronhöffer

Press contact Director, Strategy & Communication +46 72 050 31 91
Axel Hallgren

Axel Hallgren

Press contact Press and Communications Manager +46 70 234 49 46

Reducing poverty through sustainable investments

Swedfund is the Swedish government’s Development Finance Institution, contributing through sustainable investment to economic and environmental development as well as a positive impact to society in the world poorest countries.


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