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Maria Håkansson joins SSFC Advisory Board

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Maria Håkansson joins SSFC Advisory Board

Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre (SSFC), whose mission is to support financial actors to shift capital to implement the global sustainability agenda, has announced its Advisory Board. Joining the Board are high-level executives from banks, pension funds, and experts on sustainable finance, among them Maria Håkansson, CEO at Swedfund. This is the fully Advisory Board:

  • Maria Håkansson, CEO Swedfund
  • Magnus Billing (Chair), CEO Alecta
  • Joachim Alpen, Head of Large Corporates & Financial Institutions SEB
  • Lisa Jonsson, CEO Swedbank Robur
  • Erik Berglöf, Professor London School of Economics (LSE), Director of the Institute of Global Affairs
  • Anna Ryott, Chair of the Board Summa Equity, Private Equity
  • Jens Henriksson, CEO Folksam Group and CEO Folksamgruppen
  • Harald Mix, Managing Partner Altor, Private Equity
  • Lars Strannegård, Professor & President Stockholm School of Economics

The Advisory Board is appointed for two years with a possibility for an additional two-year term renewal. The Board will support, advise, guide and direct the Centre based on its annual plans and overall strategy. Stockholm Sustainable Finance Centre aims to accelerate and promote the shift in capital investments required to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Paris climate targets. The Centre is an agile, aligned platform that shapes, tailors and delivers expertise in sustainable finance to maximize visibility and impact. The Centre is a go-to partner for impartial research, knowledge, and capacity building on current and future issues in sustainable finance.

"We hope that the Board’s members act as ambassadors for the Centre and promote our activities and results as relevant for the financial community. Their network and expertise will help us engage in the most pressing issues in sustainable finance,“ said Aaron Maltais, Program Director SSFC.

Please read more:
Stockholm Sustainable Centre (SSFC), Advisory Board




Karin Kronhöffer

Karin Kronhöffer

Press contact Director, Strategy & Communication +46 72 050 31 91
Axel Hallgren

Axel Hallgren

Press contact Press and Communications Manager +46 70 234 49 46

Reducing poverty through sustainable investments

Swedfund is the Swedish government’s Development Finance Institution, contributing through sustainable investment to economic and environmental development as well as a positive impact to society in the world poorest countries.


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