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Recycled Sulapac material becomes r-Sulapac. No permanent microplastics will be released during or after this cycle.
Recycled Sulapac material becomes r-Sulapac. No permanent microplastics will be released during or after this cycle.

Press release -

4 Forerunners Combat Microplastic Pollution with a Unique Take Back Pilot

Towards the plastic waste-free future

Sulapac material is industrially compostable, and it biodegrades without leaving permanent microplastics behind. Consequently, many forerunner brands have been keen to substitute conventional plastics with this sustainable alternative. Now, Sulapac pilots a take back program in Finland together with Vida, Karhumuovi and Ruohonjuuri.

“We’ve come a long way replacing conventional plastics, but our ambition is to have impact at large. It requires more collaboration – and continuous improvement of our products and processes. Our new ‘Take Back Sulapac’ program is the next phase towards the plastic waste-free future and minimized environmental footprint”, says Dr. Suvi Haimi, CEO and Co-founder of Sulapac.

Accelerating circular economy together

The take back pilot is a joint effort with four forerunners dedicated to sustainability. In the end of 2020 a new supplement product line, Vida Kuulas, was launched in collaboration with Sulapac. They were keen to take part of the take back premiere together with the ecological retailer Ruohonjuuri.

“Ruohonjuuri has been advancing sustainable lifestyle already since the 80’s. It’s fantastic to facilitate this collaboration. The customers get discount as a reward when they bring back their used jars. This also strengthens our customer relationship”, states Johanna Koskinen, Head of Marketing of Ruohonjuuri.

Karhumuovi was a natural fit for the end-of-life development of the take back pilot with their beautiful and environmentally friendly pet urn, Naturn Riite.

Transparency of the take back transition

“Naturalness and responsibility are at the core of Vida Kuulas. The product was born a result of extensive research of nature’s unique ingredients that affect wellbeing. For example, our multivitamin complex is made of 100% natural ingredients. That’s also why we chose the bio-based Sulapac® packaging material. We are thrilled that our customers will know exactly where the recycled jars end up”, adds Sari Iija, Brand Manager of Vida.

“We have had great experiences with sustainable materials. The recycled r-Sulapac is suitable for various applications, but there is something poetic about this particular take back product cycle – from life boosting supplements to ‘Naturn Riite’ pet urns”, continues Marko Bryggare, CEO of Karhumuovi.

Later this year, after we have gathered learnings from our pilot, the ‘Take Back Sulapac’program will expand to other markets.

Take it back, make an impact.

Further information

Suvi Haimi, CEO and Co-Founder of Sulapac,, +358 44 029 1203

Sari Iija, Brand Manager of Vida,, +358 44 055 7321

Johanna Koskinen, Head of Marketing of Ruohonjuuri,, +358 50 337 0072

Marko Bryggare, CEO of Karhumuovi,, +358 50 363 8862

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Sulapac® is an award-winning, patented bio-based material innovation for the circular economy. It accelerates the plastic waste-free future with sustainable materials that are beautiful and functional. Like nature. Sulapac was founded in 2016 by Dr. Suvi Haimi, Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo and Dr. Antti Pärssinen. The company has been ranked one of the 100 hottest startups in Europe by WIRED UK. Join the forerunners at Together we can save the world from plastic waste.

Vida products are developed and manufactured by Leader Foods Oy, a Finnish food industry company established in 2001. Leader Foods Oy was created with a vision to provide high-quality and healthy food products and supplements to the market to enable you to lead a more active, healthy and fulfilling life. Responsibility is at the core of Vida’s values.Learn more at

Ruohonjuuri is an eco-friendly retailer that offers a diverse range of high quality, eco, organic and fairtrade products in Finland. They pioneered conscious consumption in the 1982. Ruohonjuuri believes in freshness, relevance and vitality. Discover more at

Karhumuovi has provided services for plastic injection already since 1952. Their expertise include cost efficient, large scale injection moulding and mould manufacturing and product development. Today, they explore new alternatives for conventional plastics and provide solutions for circular economy. Take a look at

Sulapac – Like nature

Sulapac® is an award-winning, patented bio-based material innovation for the circular economy. It accelerates the plastic waste-free future with sustainable materials that are beautiful and functional. Like nature. Sulapac was founded in 2016 by Dr. Suvi Haimi, Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo and Dr. Antti Pärssinen. The company has been ranked one of the 100 hottest startups in Europe by WIRED UK. Join the forerunners at Together we can save the world from plastic waste.

Sulapac Ltd

Iso Roobertinkatu 21
00120 Helsinki