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Time to book the 2014 Stockholm International Boat Show

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Time to book the 2014 Stockholm International Boat Show

The Stockholm International Boat Show at Stockholmsmässan on March 1-9 might not exactly be at the top of your mind these days as we are in the midst of December, with Christmas right around the corner. But… just the other day there were only 100 days left, and today there are only 72 days left until the Stockholm International Boat Show opens its doors. The countdown has begun. It will not be long before the flicker of Christmas candles will be replaced by the shine of lamps under tarps at the boat yards and storage locations; the 2014 boat season will soon be here. Time flies. Put it in your calendar. You are not allowed to miss the largest boat show of the year.

2014 Stockholm International Boat Show. Seven themes:

1.  Sailboats and sailing

Flatiron or classic lines? Regardless of which, we are talking sailboats. Hydrofoil might be the next big thing – experiments are underway – and a new speed record of 68 knots was recently set for sailboats. The flatiron model offers maximum space, comfort and speed. The classic lines offer something different. At the Stockholm International Boat Show, we will have both the most recent and classic sailboats on display. The only thing you have to do is choose – based on what you want, what type of sailor you are and what you are looking for – full speed ahead under full sail or a tranquil cruise without any real destination.

2.  Motorboats, Grand Large

The motorboat's share of new boat sales is large and unchallenged, and it is exciting to see in which direction the trend winds are blowing. Aluminum boats are still the rage for both small and large boats. The hunt for more easily driven hulls continues, and the cost per minute distance is becoming more important as fuel prices rise. The number of environmentally friendly engines is increasing, with both electric and hybrid (diesel-electric) engines claiming a spot alongside the traditional gas and diesel engines. The Stockholm International Boat Show presents all the latest motorboat trends. You can see for yourself which trends are hot and make your own choices, regardless of whether you are in the market for a smaller boat for simple day trips or a larger boat for week-long trips far out at sea.

3.  Stockholm International Boat Show for Kids

The fact that Mom and Dad want to head out to sea is neither surprising nor weird. That is something they have always wanted to do. And the children, as long as they can remember, have followed along, of course. Fun and excitement was had by all. The entire family on an expedition and adventure, what is hiding behind the next point, what will happen at the next harbor? Fun. And when night falls, everything is cozy in the glow of the paraffin lamp. That was how it was, at least, while the children were small. But suddenly, and maybe a bit too suddenly, picking mollusks and cozy nights are no longer interesting. The children have grown up, turned into teenagers, and nothing can be taken for granted anymore. Own opinions, own interests, but too young to be left alone in the city. How can we convince the youngsters to come along, how do we get them to experience happiness from and a desire to return to the sea and the archipelago? At the Stockholm International Boat Show, you will find tips for water activities that will entertain children of all ages, and that will convince the older children that they want to be out on the water a bit longer.

4.  Accessories

Gadgets, gadgets and more gadgets. Everything that can make the inveterate sea dog's heart beat a little faster at the boat supply store. Fantasy and dreams are triggered. What is new in electricity, how are the smartest toilet solutions designed, is there a new, updated GPS or a new echo sounder? What can help my boat go just a little faster downwind? And look there, a new thing that holds your coffee in place even on the roughest of seas. And next to all the gadgets, new, gorgeous clothing and shoes. Even old sea dogs can be interested in fashion… Welcome to Charlie Hall at the Stockholm International Boat Show, an established term among boating enthusiasts and Northern Europe's largest boat supply exhibition!

5.  Classic Boat Show

Some people view their boat not just as an alternative to the summer cabin or camper, but also as a priceless treasure. People own these classic boats, boats from another era, because of a deep, genuine interest not only in the sea and seamanship but also the esthetic value and classic lines. Less comfort in the pure sense of the word, yes, but soul, emotion and charm in a way that only such a boat can convey. They live with their boat and are proud. This year's theme at the Classic Boat Show is the "Snipa" boat – the classic, Swedish everyman's boat with roots stretching back to the Vikings and their boat-building techniques. Seaworthy and functional, a pack horse, a fishing boat and a boat of the people for many of those living in the archipelago as far back as time can remember. A boat that kept the archipelago alive all the way up to the era when Astrid Lindgren’s Tjorven and Saltkråkan were at the height of their popularity. Tradition and cultural history. A legacy and knowledge about boat construction and seaworthiness to be preserved and maintained. Come to the Stockholm International Boat Show and meet her: beloved "Snipa"!

6.  Environment & Sustainable Seas

The Baltic Sea is very much loved. It gives us food, transport, beauty, recreation and many opportunities for swimming, fishing and entertainment. But sometimes it is also a source of guilt: environmental destruction, poisonous bottom paints, emissions, acidification and misery… We now strongly feel that it is time for a new approach to boating enthusiasts and the environment. We all know that water is a limited resource. We all want to save the Baltic Sea. So let's talk solutions now! At the Stockholm International Boat Show, together with Initiative Sustainable Seas (Initiativet Hållbara Hav), we will display practical solutions and answer your questions about emptying toilets, bottom paints and waste management. Also, meet Briggen Tre Kronor, which sails around the Baltic Sea to contribute to a healthy, vibrant sea.

7.  Life onboard

Many boat owners are looking for solutions to make life onboard smarter and more comfortable. They want to sleep well, move around onboard, hang up clothes to keep them from getting damp, and even take care of hygiene when taking a dip in the sea is not so appealing. In other words, many want to have the comforts of home onboard. And a large part of this experience is, of course, the food. Sun, summer and vacation means that people want to eat well, regardless of whether this means a visit to one of the restaurants in the archipelago or browsing through recipes and becoming a master cook of the sea. At the Stockholm International Boat Show, you will find inspiration and tips for how the entire family can enjoy their time onboard.

For more information, please contact:

+46 70 789 44 94



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Ronja Nyström

Ronja Nyström

Press contact Press & PR Manager +46 (0)70 789 42 86

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