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Sustainability in Focus – New Exhibition at Formex Explores Eight Perspectives

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Sustainability in Focus – New Exhibition at Formex Explores Eight Perspectives

When Formex opens its doors on August 27th, the focus will be on a topic that has never been more relevant: sustainability. Formex is making a significant investment in this area and is presenting a brand-new sustainability exhibition this year, created by Malin Jensen, Maria Lagerman, and Maria Soxbo, who together form the trio IMMA. The exhibition "Hållbart?” explores eight different interpretations of sustainability, with the ambition to inspire and challenge visitors to think in new ways.

Formex is the leading meeting place for interior design in the Nordics, attracting visitors and exhibitors from the entire industry each year to do business, discover new trends, and exchange experiences. Many also come to seek inspiration and delve into current themes through exhibitions and lectures. Sustainability is one of the most requested topics among visitors and exhibitors, and therefore Formex has intensified its focus on this area. At the January edition of Formex, a wide range of sustainability-related features were offered, and in August, this focus is taken even further with, among other things, a new exhibition, which gives visitors the opportunity to explore what sustainability truly means.

"Sustainability is central to both us and our operations, and we know that it is a topic that engages our visitors and exhibitors. We often receive questions about the sustainability activities and initiatives we offer, which is why we are especially pleased to present an extensive program with a clear focus on sustainability. The new exhibition, which explores the topic from several different perspectives, is something we are excited to showcase," says Sonja Björk Ebert, Project Manager for Formex.

Sustainability is frequently discussed, but what does it mean? For some, it is about using recycled materials; for others, it is about local production or creating products from natural materials. All these aspects have their place, and in the exhibition "Hållbart?", Malin Jensen, Maria Lagerman, and Maria Soxbo take a holistic approach to the transformation of the design world. The trio, who together form the trio IMMA, work with sustainability in various ways – within interior design, concept development, business models, and communication.

"Our ambition with the exhibition is to show how multifaceted sustainability is and that it can be interpreted in many ways. You can work sustainably on one level, without the final product necessarily being sustainable. Many factors come into play. We want this exhibition to give visitors and buyers a deeper understanding of how complex sustainability is," says Maria Soxbo, journalist, co-founder of Klimatklubben, and one of the initiators of "Hållbart?".

Eight Interpretations of Sustainability
IMMA has chosen to divide the concept of sustainability into eight different parts, each highlighting a specific perspective. Some companies are strong in local production or upcycling design, while others focus on innovative materials, transparency, and/or craftsmanship. The exhibition's goal is to inspire everyone to elevate together and reflect on how we should design the future within the planet's limits. The exhibition is strategically located just inside the entrance to Hall A at Stockholmsmässan.

"We hope that visitors start their tour with us and that afterwards, they see the rest of the fair with 'sustainability glasses'. This way, it becomes easier to interpret what they see and ask more informed questions – especially for buyers who need to determine whether a product is truly sustainable. Our goal is for visitors to leave the exhibition with newfound knowledge and a sense that sustainability is the future, not just because it is necessary, but because it is right, creative, and fun," concludes Maria Soxbo.

Formex will be held from August 27th to 29th at Stockholmsmässan and is the most important meeting place for Nordic interior design. Read more at



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Ronja Nyström

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