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Sofia Törnlöf, Head of Marketing at Panasonic, Sweden.
Sofia Törnlöf, Head of Marketing at Panasonic, Sweden.

Press release -

Nordbygg makes international business possible

Nordbygg is the construction industry's largest, extensive and most dynamic meeting place in Northern Europe. Over the years, many international visitors have chosen to come to Nordbygg, to familiarise themselves with new products and services that leading Swedish and international exhibitors present at the fair.

When Nordbygg 2018 opens on Thursday April 10, around 900 companies will be present to show the latest stuff. Among them The Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry (TMF).

– We are at Nordbygg to spread knowledge and increase competence regarding industrial wood construction, says Anders Rosenkilde, Head of Technical Development at TMF.

– We will be accompanied by around thirty member companies who exhibit their products, for example windows and doors.

Great export potential
For exhibitors, the fair offers interesting opportunities to establish international contacts. A large part of the visitors, 13 per cent in 2016, are namely from other countries.

– Previous years, we have noticed that the foreign visitors in particular show great interest in our companies and our environmental thinking. And many have replied to questions on specific products and the companies that manufacture them, says Anders Rosenkilde, Head of Technical Development at TMF.

This means that there are great export opportunities for the building materials companies within TMF, who currently have a low average export share of 17 per cent. The export of windows is around 5 per cent, staircases 19 per cent and doors 46 per cent.

Green products for an international market
Another exhibitor is Panasonic, which will come back at Nordbygg 2018 with a showcase of its own. With several new and green solutions in the pipeline, they see a showcase of their own as obvious.

 – Presence at Nordbygg is very important to us, says Sofia Tornlöf, Head of Marketing at Panasonic Sweden.By being seen at Nordbygg, we reach not only the target groups in Sweden and the rest of the Nordics, but also customers in the important Baltic countries, where Panasonic Nordic operates.

Panasonic has invested in product development for energy efficiency and simple monitoring and control of houses and commercial buildings. And there will be many new products and solutions for heating and cooling to show.

– We want to make it easier for our customers. Both for house builders, for fitters and service technicians, who use and work with our products on a daily basis, says Sofia.

The flooring company invests for new success
Flowcrete, which develops and markets flooring systems for industrial and public environments, has an international market and is one of the recurring exhibitors at Nordbygg. Two years ago, the fair generated several good business deals for Flowcrete.

– In addition, we had several visits to the showcase, a large number of conducted meetings and a flurry of interesting discussions. it is self-explanatory that Nordbygg is the fair that we won't miss out on, says Hans Larsson, Head of Sales and Marketing, who now invests for a new success.

For more information, please visit or contact:
Peter Söderberg, Project Area Manager, +46 8-749 43 97



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