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Seminar on Sustainability in Budapest: Following the Principles of Sustainable Living

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Seminar on Sustainability in Budapest: Following the Principles of Sustainable Living

Photo by Csaba Molnár

In cooperation with the Embassy of Sweden, Business Sweden gathered representatives of Swedish companies, operating on the Hungarian market, to join a seminar on the sustainable & future working environment. The seminar took place on February 18th, with Sigma Technology Hungary in attendance.

Since 2010, the Embassy of Sweden, Business Sweden, and leading Swedish companies have been organizing a series of seminars on current topics related to innovation, R&D, and sustainability. During the seminar on the sustainable & future working environment, attendees exchanged ideas for and experience in green design and construction, efficient maintenance, and the flexible working space. The topical question was raised: Can the sustainable working environment be a driver for growth and increase competitiveness, productivity, and well-being?

The seminar brought about 45 participants, hand-picked, relevant professionals from the targeted circles, to discuss green solutions and materials, sustainable property management, water management, and the sustainable working and living environment. The half-day event, held in the format of a café, foresaw a meaningful dialogue in groups. Experts had discussions by answering supporting questions and sharing ideas and insights into how to ensure sustainable environment development.

“It seems quite evident now that modern society needs to find more effective ways of using skills and resources to generate positive changes. This is why the Program on Sustainability was initiated and also why at Sigma Technology we are keen to follow its principles for assuring a better tomorrow,” shares György Nagy, Country Manager at Sigma Technology Hungary.

Carl Vikingsson, CEO at Sigma Technology Group, adds:

“Sigma Technology regularly takes part in activities that contribute to a sustainable future, by supporting innovation and giving a brighter future through education.

We do it in close cooperation with universities by driving innovation, through exchange programs, and on a voluntary basis as teachers. We open up doors for students who want to learn about entrepreneurship or a specific industry, or simply want to acquire a competitive skill in a certain area. We also actively support the younger generations by sponsoring a school in South Africa as part of the “Star for Life” program. The school fights the spread of HIV and provides a unique level of education. Sigma Technology also sponsors the most promising students, enabling them to access higher education.

“Star for Life” – established by Sigma’s founder Dan Olofsson and his wife – currently reaches more than 100,000 students.

This is how Sigma Technology supports a sustainable future.” 




Nataly Lamkén

Nataly Lamkén

Chief Communications Officer | Sigma Technology Sigma Technology

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Sigma is a leading consulting group with an objective to make our customers more competitive. Our means are technological know-how and a constant passion for finding better solutions. In total, we are 5,000 employees in sixteen countries. Our services are provided by Sigma Technology, Sigma Connectivity, Sigma Industry, Sigma Civil, and Sigma Software.

Sigma is owned by Danir, held by the Dan Olofsson family.