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Sharing insights at the World Cities Summit events in Suzhou

Last week, Surbana Jurong showcased its thought leadership at the World Cities Summit (WCS) Mayors Forum and the World Cities Summit Young Leaders (WCSYL) Symposium held in China.

Hosted by the city of Suzhou, mayors, international organisations and industry leaders from cities across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the Oceania gathered to share best practices and urban innovations that promote liveable and sustainable cities.

The Forum is co-organised by Singapore’s Centre for Liveable Cities and the Urban Redevelopment Authority and is a flagship event of the WCS, which is held in Singapore biennially.

The global platform was a great opportunity for our experts to share their insights and position SJ as a thought leader in urbanisation, industrialisation and infrastructure development.

This year’s Mayors Forum was themed “Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Embracing the Future through Innovation and Collaboration”. Michael Ng, CEO, North Asia, shared his views on the importance of sustainable development as well as SJ’s strategy for development in East Asia. 

Tan Szue Hann, Head, Sustainability and Tan Eng Kiat, Senior Principal Planner, Urban Planning, Singapore attended the concurrent World Cities Summit Young Leaders (WCSYL) Symposium, where a select group of change-makers from diverse sectors met to discuss and tackle urbanisation challenges.They engaged with Young Leaders from Singapore and other cities and initiated potential collaboration on sustainability projects.

Szue Hann and Eng Kiat are both members of the WCSYL, an invite-only professional network which provides a platform for discourse on urban issues.

They also had the opportunity to exchange views with Singapore’s Minister for National Development Lawrence Wong on culture and heritage and its influence on planning and urbanisation. 

Head of Sustainability Tan Szue Hann (second from right) leading group discussions at the Young Leaders Symposium

Senior Principal Planner, Urban Planning Tan Eng Kiat (seated left) having a discussion at the Young Leaders Symposium


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