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Surbana Jurong helps to rebuild lives

At Surbana Jurong’s charity golf event in Singapore last year, we raised more than $120,000 which was donated to two of our adopted beneficiaries. For one of them, the Yellow Ribbon Project’s Yellow Ribbon Fund (YRF) - the donation was assigned to its Skills Training Assistance to Restart (STAR) Bursary which aims to provide ex-offenders the financial support they need to obtain vocational and skills training, so that they have a purpose in life, earn a living for themselves and their families and regain their self-respect.

In November 2016, SJ’s donation to the bursary programme which covers 100 per cent of the course fees of a full-time diploma or vocational course, living allowance and book grants, has helped five ex-offenders get a new lease on life. One of the beneficiaries is *Linda. Linda is a single parent of three kids who are between the ages of seven and 15. Struggling with her divorce and under tremendous financial pressure, she turned to drugs for relief. She was jailed for 18 months when the law caught up with her. While in prison, Linda found out about the STAR Bursary which inspired her and gave her hope. Soon after her release, Linda approached the YRF to apply for the bursary, and to change her life. We are pleased to share with you that Linda has recently started her diploma programme and hopes to eventually provide a better future for her children.

“The bursary rekindled the fire and motivation in me to achieve the goals I had in life. I am grateful for this incredible opportunity and would like to thank the Yellow Ribbon Fund and Surbana Jurong for giving me a second chance to fulfil my dream,” said Linda.

Four other ex-offenders in a similar situation as Linda have received support from the STAR bursary programme to start life afresh, and are on their way to becoming contributing members of society.

The YRF STAR Bursary has supported financially needy ex-offenders seeking vocational and skills training since 2010.

More than 85 ex-offenders have received financial help through the Bursary and 23 of them have graduated with recognised diplomas.

*Name has been changed to protect the individual's identity.


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