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In conversation with Surbana Jurong's Managing Director of Smart City Solutions, Joe Keen Poon

Joe Keen Poon has a proven track record in senior leadership roles across Asia and Europe, and has successfully led organisations, from start-ups through to large and mature businesses.

In his current role, Joe helps to deliver world-leading smart city solutions, guiding Surbana Jurong to fulfil its mission of building cities and shaping lives.

Previously, as President at Xchanging, a top Business Process Outsourcing firm, Joe led the company to commercial success in the East Asia and Japan markets.

Joe also spent nine years at Microsoft. His role as Segment Director, OEM Business in Singapore, involved leading Microsoft’s success in not just the flagship Windows, Office and Server businesses, but also the growth of emerging mobile device businesses. During this time, Joe was the winner of three top awards - Circle of Excellence, Champions Award, and Worldwide IW Sales & Marketing Award.

We caught up with Joe to find out more about his life in Surbana Jurong.

To date what is the most interesting project you have worked on at SJ Group?

Joe: I am almost one year into my Surbana Jurong (SJ) adventure, and to date the most interesting project we have worked on is the very rapid launch of the new Smart City in a Box. This is shaping up to become Asia’s largest independent multi-asset, multi-discipline, city-wide monitoring system, and there is no reason why it cannot become the world’s biggest.

What opportunities are you excited about for SJ Group within your function?

Joe: By 2050, 6.4 billion people will live in urban areas. Such massive urbanisation will bring about challenges in terms of security, environment sustainability, asset maintenance and community engagement.The trinity of smart city technology, urban planning and city management will have to be part of any solution to address these challenges. SJ happens to focus on all of the above!

What makes you tick? (Professionally, of course)

Joe: The ability to take a problem and solve it in a real and practical way.In my first year with SJ, we have achieved exactly that. We took existing challenges that Singapore townships face, and applied simple and practical solutions.

We are lucky to witness first-hand the difference our solutions make to the daily lives of Singapore residents.


  • Architecture

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