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PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew – continued

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PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew – continued

News release

Date 30 March 2015
Contact Candy Li
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PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew – continued

Singapore, 30 March 2014Partners and staff across all lines of service and ranks fromPwC Singapore continued to express heartfelt condolences and tributes to the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew on PwC’s internal portal:

Bin Hwee Quek

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

No words seem adequate to describe what you meant to me and my family.

Watching the throngs of people around me waiting to pay their respects to you on Wednesday afternoon, my heart was filled with enormous gratitude.

Thank you for making Singapore count, for bringing security and prosperity to Singapore, for establishing a world class education and healthcare for all, for upholding integrity, for making Singapore clean, green and beautiful for all to enjoy and more.

It is a huge debt we all owe you, a debt that we can never repay. Like all of us, my mother insisted on wearing black. Like all of us, she wept openly and in secret.

You will always have a special place in our hearts and your influence will be enduring.

With the greatest respect and admiration,

Bin Hwee

Moi Lre Kok

While I am deeply saddened by the loss of our Founding Father, I took much comfort in seeing the overwhelming unison shown by Singaporeans the whole of last week. The legacy that Mr. Lee has left us is more than any physical monument. Over the last 60 years, he has led and built a nation of people with fire in our hearts. We have shown that we are willing to take actions, persevere, on what is important to us. We are also gentle and helpful to total strangers to reach a common goal. His legacy is in our Hearts.

We are, and our children will face stiff competition for this little Red Dot to continue to prosper. I used to feel insecure about our future. I have now renewed energy. Fellow Singaporeans will not let each other down. We will take actions and persevere for our shared future.

Mr. Lee, words cannot express my gratitude. Rest in peace and really hope you'd reunited with Mrs Lee.

Cecile Anglada

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

You have dedicated your life to build and raise Singapore to what it is today in just 50 years. Not only have you been an inspirational Leader but a Father to its people. You have fought for liberty and justice, and you have left Singapore with a great legacy. May the values upon which you have built Singapore endure and the next generations continue to build on your foundations.

You will be remembered throughout time and generations as a visionary Leader and the Father of Singapore. May you rest in peace.

Roger McNicholas

A very moving memorial service for a true nation builder. PM Lee captured it perfectly with the quote originally made for Christopher Wren: "If you seek his monument – look around you."

Lennon Lee

Dear Mr. Lee

Today marks the last day that we mourn our loss of you.

I am thankful for many things you have done for Singapore.

I am thankful that you created a society founded on core values of justice, meritocracy and equality where every one of us from any background, race or religion is allowed to strive in his or her own rights and be given chances to be successful in life.

I am thankful that you have provided our children and us with compulsory education to acquire knowledge and to be learnt so that each of us can contribute to the progress of Singapore in each different and unique way.

I am thankful that you have built Singapore into a vibrant, clean and green metropolitan city that people from many countries would envy. It is a city and a country that is well-secured and defended that not a day we would fear for our children and our own safety.

I am thankful for your leadership, together with many great men from PAP and all walks of life, in guiding us through many difficulties – global economic crisis, social unrest, epidemics – so that we now have a developed country that we can be proud of.

I am thankful that you have given your life, a good 60 years (even up to the last day before you were admitted to the hospital), for the better good of Singapore and us.

If I am given a choice to be born and live in any country, would I choose another country other than Singapore? “Probably not, not in this lifetime.”

What would be a better way of remembering you other than for me to live as a true Singaporean, where Singapore is my home and my country that you have contributed your whole life to selflessly.

Rest in peace. Hope you are now re-united with your wife.

Mei Ying Hor

A leader who was visionary, selfless and led by example, keen and devoted to improving lives; you conquered all odds and did the right things, yielding a prosperous Singapore that we are grateful for.

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for the legacies that you have built up! May your soul rest in peace.

Paul Cornelius

You were a great man who formed a great nation – the world will remember you for a long time to come.

Anthony Moore

A visionary leader who gave his life to build a first world nation. He lived and breathed


I am fortunate to have witnessed his leadership and Singapore's remarkable economic miracle over the past 25 years.

However, in the media this week, I have learned so much more about LKY that I did not know – the challenges he faced, of which he and Singapore overcame.

It is no surprise that he is seen as a global visionary and leader.

LKY will be remembered & loved.

Tommy Tan

Thank you Mr. Lee for building a Singapore we all can be proud of. We will carry on your legacy and your ideals.

Fony Njauw

A great leader has left us. But his legacy lives on.

May you rest in peace Mr. Lee.

Wendy Lai

Mr. Lee, some 50 years ago you cried for Singapore when we were separated from Malaysia.

50 years later today, we cried for YOU. This is the largest outpouring of emotions the nation has ever seen.

We are grateful to you for transforming a then Third World country into a highly respected, modern country (a buoyant economy, a country with low unemployment rate where everyone has a roof over his head, a safe environment, a clean and green city, a caring multi-ethnic society, a good education system…) And above all, you nurtured people that continue to work for the good of the nation.

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for everything that you have done for Singapore.

We will remember the legacy you left behind when we celebrate SG50. We will sadly miss you on this day.

RIP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Lai Fong Lee

Dear Mr. Lee

Without you, Singapore would not be what it is today.

Thank you for your vision, wisdom, foresight and leadership which have turned this little island from a fishing village into a first world country where we now called home. Thank you for all you have done for this country. May you rest in peace.

Jenny Tan

As of now, I believe everyone will understand nothing comes for granted. Thank you, Mr. Lee, for your selflessness to Singapore. I am proud to be a Singaporean. To do your contribution justice, we will continue to work hard and uphold Singapore's identity and prosperity. You will be sorely missed. Thank you, rest in peace.

Pamela Wong

Mr. Lee, thank you for your unwavering dedication and service to this nation. Your vision, strength and perseverance transformed us from a third world to a first world nation.

Singapore is where we all proudly call home.

After over 50 years of hard work and labour for your beloved nation, it is now time for you to rest. As we grieve your passing, we also celebrate your life, achievements and all that you have done for Singapore. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. Lee, you are deeply respected, will be fondly remembered and very much missed. May you rest in peace.

Dorinda Cheng

Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for building Singapore to what she is today. No words can express the amount of gratitude and appreciation that I have for what you have done for Singapore. Thank you once again. May you rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Rachel Loh

April 1975, Mr. Lee approved the construction of Changi Airport as air traffic in the city-state surged. March 2015, Singapore Changi Airport has been named the World's Best Airport for the third year in a row.

July 1981, Changi Airport opened with only one runway. Today, it evolves into one of the world's major aviation hubs.

Tribute to Mr. Lee. Remembering Mr. Lee. Changi Airport Singapore. I love Singapore (SG50).

Yoko Kanda

Dear Mr. Lee, thank you for creating such a miracle country in our world. I am now receiving a lot of happiness from Singapore.

Again, thank you very much and may you rest in peace.

Denise Teo

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew held the heavy burden of Singapore's future right from the very start. Even in his ailing health, he held on tightly, like our HERO – My Utmost Respect!

Quoting from his 90th birthday wish, ".....that Singapore's Government continues to be clean and honest, and they all do their part to uphold the highest of moral standards...." I hope Singaporeans will remain positive and come together as one, in harmony, in the face of any odds and adversity the future holds; continuing and flourishing the legacy he left behind.

Let's not forget to remind the younger and future generation of our Founding Father's great contributions that made Singapore, a tiny red dot, one of the most successful nations in the world, respected by many including world leaders!

His memory will live forever, not just with Singaporeans, but also beyond the shores of Singapore!

Rebecca Chiang

Dear Founding Father

Thank you for your immeasurable love for Singapore. No words could express our gratitude for all the wonderful gifts you have given us. You have been a great blessing to all of whom you have touched.

May you rest in eternal peace with our loving Father in Heaven and enjoy eternal paradise with your most beloved wife.

Lawrence Wong

Dear Mr. Lee

You were more than a strong leader and a far-sighted visionary, you were a devoted husband and a loving father... and a huge inspiration to each and every one of us. Thank you for transforming Singapore into such an amazing country that I am proud to call home. May we build upon your legacy, towards a future where Singapore continues to thrive.

John Kho

Singapore's transformation after the separation from Malaysia from a small struggling island to a global city that is the envy of many nations worldwide is nothing short of a miracle. It would not have been possible had it not been for your leadership and foresight. Thank you, Mr. Lee, and rest in peace. You may have left us physically, but your legacy will continue to live on.

Siew Quan Ng

Dear Mr. Lee

You have created a miracle that is the envy of many. You have given up so much of your life so that all Singaporeans can have a better one. We are truly indebted to you for generations to come. Thank you Sir, for all you have done. We will honour you by working hard to ensure Singapore's continued prosperity. May you rest in peace.

Doris Soh

Dear Mr. Lee

Thank you for being a great leader whom we truly respect. Your dedication and hard work brought Singapore to where we are today. I am grateful and proud to be a Singaporean. It is indeed a blessing to be born here, to have received my education here, and now to being able to contribute back to our society. May god bless you and may you rest in peace.

Denise Lim

Mr. Lee, words cannot express our gratitude for the sacrifices you have made for this country. For each and every Singaporean near or far, we remember our humble beginnings and celebrate success and progression. You will be missed, but your legacy lives on.

May God bless you and your family, and may your soul rest in peace.

Meixuan Goh

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, we enjoy the fruits of your labour today in our safe and prosperous nation. Singapore, where one can succeed based on merit and industry, where women and children can live safely and freely, and where diversity in race, religion and culture is acknowledged and appreciated. Because of you and your team of strong leaders, we can stand tall and proudly proclaim we are Singaporeans no matter where we are in the world. Thank you.

Carrie Lim

Dear Mr. Lee

We will always remember you with admiration for your vision, wisdom and undaunted spirit as well as fondness for your love and sacrifice for Singapore. No amount of words can express our gratitude for your lifelong dedication to securing a future for Singapore and a home for us all. We will also remember your incisive wit and your fearlessly frank comments which made us chuckle.

We will strive to be deserving of the legacy you have given us and build on it for future generations.

Rest in peace and thank you. You will be greatly missed.

With love, from us all.

Ying Zhi Chan

You are a legend, an inspiration, a one-of-a-kind! Thank you for everything you have done for Singapore! We will follow that rainbow and ride it.

Malcolm Chong

Mr. Lee, I do respect you very much, not only because you were a great leader, but also a good husband and father.

Your passing is definitely a loss not only to Singapore, but the world.

I believe what you have left behind is not only a successful Singapore, but also a model which our next generations can learn about.

Thanks for dedicating your life and making the world better.

In the arms of the angel, fly away from here. I know you are in good hands now. We will miss you.

May you rest in peace.

David Lee

Thank you Mr. Lee for all that you have done for Singapore, which many generations have and will benefit from.

Wanyi Wong

Mr. Lee

Thank you for dedicating your life to Singapore. We will continue your legacy.

You will always be in my heart,

Shi Yun Khoo

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Thank you for everything. May you rest in peace and be joined after life with Mrs. Lee.

Jing Jie Lim

A life of politics can be weary even on the strongest men and despite the odds, you never gave up. Thank you for holding on as long as you did. In your passing, I shall not mourn. Instead, I will celebrate the life that you have sacrificed for a cause bigger than yourself. May you find the peace and rest that you deserve.

Pearlynn Tan

Dearest Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Founding Father of Singapore

No words can express our deepest regret on your demise. Your presence will be greatly missed at SG50 – NDP. Our gratitude to you and your team for transforming Singapore into what it is today. Gone but always remembered in our hearts. Condolences to PM Lee & Family for their loss. RIP LKY.

Alex Toh

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for transforming this little red dot on the world map bigger than what it could have been. Having travelled frequently for my business trips, I could see the difference between Singapore and other countries. What Singapore has achieved over a short history of 50 years, transforming from a third to first world country, has been phenomenal. You have given us something to call our own and be proud of – HOME.

We will truly miss a visionary and dedicated leader like you. Thank you, once again.

Vishal Thapliyal

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for showing the world what a visionary leader looks like. I was privileged to have the honour of meeting you and that left a lasting impression on me and my family. Singapore today stands as a testament to your visionary foresight and uncompromising drive to move it from a little island to a red dot that matters to the world.

We will all miss you and your wisdom. You will always remain enshrined in our hearts. Rest in peace and god bless!

Derek Li

A giant among leaders, a man who dedicated his life to building the core foundations to make Singapore a success story. Singaporeans and friends all over the world unite to mourn his passing and remember this great man's work. Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Cynthia Lee

Dear Mr. Lee

Our founding father, because of you, we are proud to be Singaporeans. We will miss you dearly.

Ting Lei

Thank you for everything you've done for Singapore and for us. Your legend will live on in our hearts. May you rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Sze Ling Lee

Thank you Sir. I am deeply grateful to you for building Singapore up into a prosperous nation and a place where I am proud to call home. What we enjoy now is a living testimony of your contribution and commitment to Singapore. Indeed, you have not lived your life in vain! Once again, sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Chin San Chua

Since the passing of our beloved and well-respected Mr. LKY, I have been watching documentaries about him to remind myself what he had done for Singapore in his lifetime, be it before or after I was born. When I reflect upon what he had achieved for Singapore compared to what other leaders had done for their countries, I am sure many of us will be proud of his achievements.

So, he was not perfect. The hanging question: "Could someone else given the same role have done the same or more than what he had done?" Hindsight is a wonderful tool. Looking back and criticising is always easy. I, for sure, cannot go back in time and conclude that someone else at that point in time would have done the same for Singapore and in a more acceptable and diplomatic manner. However, if we put all the things that he did into perspective, I am sure we all agree that he had done a fabulous job! The decisions may have been difficult and the outcomes may not have been well received, but he persisted with the single belief: the decisions made are to secure the future of Singapore! He was a leader, he did not believe in winning a popularity poll. His passion, perseverance and foresight benefitted the people of Singapore in the sixties and generations after.

Today, as I stand proud as a Singaporean and mourn for his departure, I have these words for this man who had single-handedly built Singapore into what it is today: "Thank you, Mr. Lee. You have left a legacy!"

Teng Boon Chew

No words can describe the success that you have given to Singapore and its people. Thank you and may you rest in peace.

Wei Jian Wee

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for your leadership, guidance and accurate foresight. Without you, we would definitely not be where we are now. Your legacy will be shared with our future generations.

Jo Ann Ooi

You had a big dream, and turned it into reality in one lifetime.

You are Singapore.

Eric Y Chong

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for everything that you have done to build up this country. If not for you, Singapore would not be what it is today. Rest in peace, sir.

Cheryl Ang

Thank you so much for doing so much for us. Without you, there will be no fresh air, clean water and a top grade education system. What you have done is truly remarkable and respectable and it will be remembered forever.

Sharen Goh

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Each day this week, I am discovering more and more. All the facets of Singapore that I take for granted and am accustomed to – the peace and harmony, education, workforce, economy, trees, plants and greenery, clean water and air, global standing, the list goes on – all of these were wrought about, not by chance, but through your vision, foresight and fortitude.

I thank you for your conviction, courage and sacrifice. I know in my heart that your motivation and passion, your mission and purpose, your fortitude and perseverance, these are the result of his abundant grace.

Thank you for being God's gift and a channel of tremendous blessing for all of us in Singapore – our forefathers, our present generation and those to come. May you rest in peace and enjoy eternal paradise with your beloved wife, family and friends.

Liam Collins

In the short time my family and I have been privileged to call Singapore home, we had come to appreciate some of the amazing transformations which Mr. Lee designed, led and implemented across Singapore.

We, like many born outside of Singapore, greatly admire Mr. Lee's energy, the principled way he made every decision, and his firm and relentless will to pursue the things he believed were right for Singapore.

We are grateful to him for achieving so much for Singapore and all her residents. Rest in peace, Mr. Lee.

Hwee Ang Goh

Thank you for spending your life building a nation, a home for us. Your care for the country is no less than the care a father provides for his children. Nobody will be able to match the sacrifices you have made and the challenges you have undertaken. Salute to you sir! May you rest in peace.

Thank you for everything you have done!

Phoebe Teo

Thank you so much for what you did for the Singapore and the people. You have been a good role model, a leader to everyone. You will always stay in our hearts. RIP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew!

Christophe Richard

The trees of Singapore will bear testimony to your legacy for immemorial time. As you nurtured them from the grassroots to mature heights, they have grown to provide shadow and shelter to a rich and diverse life.

May the extraordinary garden you have bestowed blossom and prosper for a very long time.

Geraldine JJ Tan

Thank you for building our home, Mr. Lee. You have been a visionary leader and will be remembered for generations to come. May you rest in peace.

Sook Chien Tey

On 23 March 2015, the world lost one great leader and Singapore lost our founding father.

THANK YOU, SIR, for giving your life to a successful Singapore. We salute you. We will definitely continue your legacy to build an even more successful Singapore.

May you rest in peace and reunite with Mrs. Lee. My deepest condolences to our Prime Minister and his family.

Livia Chng

He who saw beyond the swamps of the present to build the metropolis of tomorrow, who refused to be tunnelled by oppositions, who set the stage and led our pace of excellence.

Our founding father and visionary, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

In the words of former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry A. Kissinger, on Mr. Lee's legacy in his decision of paving the way for Singapore's independence: "But great men become such through visions beyond material calculations."

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for putting our Little Red Dot on the map.

May all of us honour his spirit and vision by shouldering the responsibility to build the place we call Home today and for future generations to come.

Ervin Jocson

You have dedicated your life and soul into building a nation of pride, prosperity, opportunity and harmony. It is a land that protects and provides for its people. May you now rejoice as you watch from your final resting place as we celebrate you, the great founding father of Singapore in the year of SG50. Rest in eternal peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Wei Liang Chee

Your great vision has placed Singapore on the world map. I am proud to be a Singaporean and have faith that your son, PM Lee, will continue your vision and work. He has my utmost support. May you rest in peace.

Rosalind Tong

Thank you so much, Mr. Lee. We will remember your great leadership and sacrificial contributions to make Singapore a place that we can be proud of. Our deepest condolences to the Lee family.

Kim-Hong Chua

Dear Sir

Your passing marks your departure from this mortal world but your legacy will live on for many more generations to come. Thank you for transforming our nation from a tiny fishing port to a modern Singapore. Your dedication, your passion, your love for this country makes me proud to be a Singaporean. May you rest in peace.

Jolene Lee

Thank you for all you have done and sacrificed for Singapore.

You spend your whole life building this nation and have done more than enough for us. We can never thank you enough.

I am so proud to be a Singaporean, and call Singapore my home.

May you rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Michele Chan

Sir, thank you for your vision and your passion. We are where we are today because of you.

Isabelle Siry

Let me pay tribute to one of the truly profound global thinkers of our time with some of his inspiring words:

“What I fear is complacency. When things always become better, people tend to want more for less work.”

“I learned to give not because I have much, but because I know exactly how it feels to have nothing.”

Rest In Peace, LKY.

Darius Oco

A great leader and nation builder. You will be missed. Rest in peace.

Wee Cheow Lian

A Great Man! Thank you for everything you have done for us, Mr. Lee. You will be remembered by Singaporeans for many generations to come! RIP.

Shu Hui Lai

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

You're a visionary leader, a world statesman, much too great for a small nation like Singapore. But you chose to fight for our collective future and to dedicate the whole of your adult life to our nation.

You saw beyond what was, to what will be, and you believed in us when others did not. Words are simply not enough to express our gratitude to you. May Singaporeans continue to live out your legacy and vision for our country and our people.

May you rest in peace.

Justina Tan

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is an extraordinary leader who has fought fearlessly for the good of the country and the people. No words can describe how much he has done for the nation.

I am grateful and thankful to the late Mr. Lee for his strong vision and wise foresight. Without him, Singapore would not be what it is today. I am truly fortunate to be born and raised in Singapore.

We will always remember him, our remarkable legend.

Vimala Subramani

A visionary who made hard choices to build a nation we can be proud to call our home.

Rest in peace, Mr. Lee.

Gerard Wong

Dear Mr. Lee,

We are proud to be Singaporeans!

Thank you for all that you have done for Singapore, we will always remember you. We take comfort knowing that you are now reunited with your beloved wife.

Rest in peace, our selfless founding father of Singapore!

Mohammad Amin

Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

To commemorate the passing away of the great man at the grand age of 91 years, our run on Thursdsay 26 March 2015 was capped at a distance of 9.1 km.

Siew Lee Chong

Dear Mr. LKY

Thank you for giving us a safe spot on earth where we can live, work and sleep without fear.

Your unwavering convictions and steadfast actions have given us, your people, a country and government that we are very proud of.

Patricia WK Tan

Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, for turning this little dot into a first world nation.

Fong Fong Wee

"(91 – 23-3-15)" 50 years ago, Mr. Lee cried for Singapore.

50 years now, Singapore cries for Mr. Lee.

My deepest gratitude for your unconditional love for Singapore. Her survival, security and success were always on your mind 24/7, driven by your pragmatic, long-term thinking and a global mind-set.

No ideology. No personality cult. You gave Singapore hope, life and a future.

Rest assured your pioneering spirit will spur us to continue your legacy, humbly seeking innovative ways to make Singapore work for one and all, staying "useful and relevant to the region and the world." Mr. Lee, I thank You beyond words.

Hoan Nguyen

You’ll always have your detractor. But let the critic complain from the comfort of his home where his liberty and property is upheld by the rule of law, his future is secured by meritocracy and clean government, and his family is protected by the most advanced military in South East Asia.

Along with Singapore’s other founding fathers, you made this country strong, rich and free in one generation and in doing so, you’ve inspired so many people across the region! Including me, a silly foreigner.

Jolly Tan

Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, for making me proud of the country I belong.

I hope your legacy will continue to live in all of us and we will continue to do you proud.


James Ang

Once a leader, always a leader. We shall always remember our roots and treasure what we have.

RIP Mr. Lee.

Agnes Keh

A Tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Mr. Lee, I thank you for creating SG50. Singapore has flourished to a gloriously green, clean, safe and warm country because of you, who created it out of your sweat, hard work and sacrifice to move the country into One People, One Nation and One exclusive Singapore. I am proud to call Singapore my homeland, it is where I belong. The nation mourns the loss of a great visionary leader, someone who will be remembered forever. Mr. Lee, you are my late father's hero, someone irreplaceable.

Wai Ming Ng

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for your effort and hard work to build up Singapore. May you rest in peace.

Anne De Souza

An outstanding and remarkable man. One in a million. As can be seen from the people's responses, he is much loved and will always be fondly remembered. My dad, who used to work in the government, spoke highly of Mr. Lee. We will miss you, Mr. Lee. Rest in Peace.

Graciana Suryahadi

Thanks, Mr. Lee, for devoting your life to building Singapore to be a much better place as now.

You will always be remembered.

George Ho

Without you Mr. Lee, I would not be working with MNCs, having a good job and providing for my family. You have not only shown us exceptional leadership qualities but also in your personal life, on what everlasting true love is between you and Mrs. Lee. You have my deepest respect. I am unable to describe in words how I feel. I salute you.

Sneha Dangra

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

I salute you for all the great work you have done for this country, Singapore, which has grown tremendously to become a powerful and first class country in the world. The entire world looks up to this country for inspiration and ideas. This all has been made possible only because of you. May you rest in peace!

Amanda Ang

"There was a time when people said that Singapore won’t make it, but we did."

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

We, as Singaporeans, are able to enjoy the harvest that you had painstakingly sowed for us over the past half century.

Thank you is never enough, your inspirations and contributions were evident in every part of this little island. Your legacy will be passed on generations after generations and we will forever be indebted to your great works.

May you rest in peace and reunite with Mrs. Lee in heaven.

God bless our loving founding father and his wife.

Hwee Seng Lim

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for all that you have done for the country. Amidst the turbulent times, you made hard but wise decisions that helped shape Singapore to what it is today and we are now able to enjoy the fruits of your tireless efforts. Rest in peace.

Julia Ng

Thank you, Mr. Lee! We are so fortunate to have you as our leader, our first PM of Singapore. I truly admire your wisdom and foresight you had for Singapore. You laid a solid foundation for your successors and I'm sure that they'll carry through your legacy. You'll be dearly missed and fondly remembered by fellow Singaporeans. May you rest in peace!

Nicole Fung

Mr. Lee, you gave me and my family hope and a future in Singapore. Words cannot express how we feel at this time of great sadness. Just as you made us proud to be Singaporeans, we will make you proud of us. Rest in peace, Mr. Lee.

Mark Mathew

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for your dedication to this country and building up Singapore to what is today. I am blessed to be able to call Singapore my second home. Rest in peace.

Milly Koh

Thank you, Sir, for everything. May your soul rest in peace.

Geok Choo Tan

Thank you, Sir, for your life which was dedicated to making Singapore what she is now, what many of us benefit from. May you Rest in Peace.

Yi Ren Gian

Dear Mr. Lee

Your work, thoughts and passion had touched and affected many even beyond the shores of Singapore. This will last for generations to come. Thank you.

David Kim

Thank you for your vision. May you rest in peace.

Deborah Chew

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

It is only because of you that Singapore and the younger generations like us can be born into such a prosperous life with everything paved ahead of us. Thank you for your sacrifice. You have made me very proud to be a Singaporean.

Rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. You will always be one of the most remembered figures in Singapore's history.

Wan Chin Tan

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for all that you have done for this nation!

Because of you, our currency is almost on par with that of the U.S., a superpower. Because of you, companies all over the world come here to start their regional HQ for the stable platform you have created. Because of you, we have stable jobs and own houses.

You are the key installation to the life we have today...not Sang Nila Utama, not Tengku, not Sir Stamford Raffles. It is you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and I really thank you!

Regina Ong

Dearest Mr. Lee

Thank you for dedicating your whole life to creating and building Singapore from nothing to such a prosperous nation today. Without you, we are not who we are today.

We appreciate your efforts in building a place we call home and will secure, in the knowledge that hard work, good ethics and good education will get us to somewhere.

Jia Liang Loo

Thank you for your contributions, Mr. Lee. May you rest in peace.

Brigitte Sim

Thanks for everything you have done for this country.

Shook Hwa Lee

To the Great Founder of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Thanks for the tremendous effort you have put in in all aspects to build a strong nation throughout your whole life. You will be remembered forever. Thanks and may you rest in peace.

Maggie Tay

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for making this little red dot, Singapore, a successful, wonderful and united country. I am so blessed, so proud and so honour to be a Singaporean.

This is all because of you. Without you, there will be no Singapore. Thank you, Mr. Lee. Rest in Peace.

Grace Huang

"Could I have lived my life differently? Maybe yes, but probably not. At each stage, I made what was then....the best choice. Having taken that decision, I changed direction and there was no turning back." Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, for building Singapore. What is Singapore without you?

I am proud to be a Singaporean, all thanks to your great work. Rest in peace.

Karan Singh

Even though I haven’t been in Singapore long, it takes no time at all to appreciate this country and the high global status it enjoys. I know how much of that is due to the vision and hard work of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. The world will miss such a leader.

Alvin Siow

Singapore will not be what she is today without you. Thank you, Mr. Lee, for all that you have done for us. May you rest in peace.

Sylvia Lee

Mr. Lee, we are blessed to have you as our founder. Thank you for your sacrifice in building up Singapore as a safe nation to live in. We are proud to call ourselves Singaporean.

Janice Neo

Thank you, Mr. Lee, our 国父! Without you, there won't be us, Singaporeans!!

Thank you for everything you did for us!

Although you have left us, you will always live in our hearts and minds!

May you rest in peace.




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Siew Ling Ong

Siew Ling Ong

Press contact Manager, Brand and Communications
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Candy Li

Press contact Team Lead - Brand & Communications
Si Jie Lang

Si Jie Lang

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