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PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Press release -

PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

News release

Date 25 March 2015
Contact Candy Li
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PwC Singapore remembers Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Singapore, 25 March 2014Partners and staff across all lines of service and ranks fromPwC Singapore expressed heartfelt condolences and tributes to the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew on PwC’s internal portal:

Yeoh Oon Jin, Executive Chairman, PwC Singapore

“We, at PwC Singapore, are deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the Founding Father of modern Singapore.

“We pay tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

“For his vision, courage and wisdom,

“For devoting his entire life to build a first world nation.

“Let us always remember his ideals and what he stood for,

“Let us build on his foundation,

“Let us keep Singapore truly exceptional for generations to come.”

Susan Chong

Dear Mr. Lee, I have always thought highly of you and respected you! You have made lots of sacrifices for the people of Singapore. No words can describe. You have left behind a Legacy! I salute you, Sir! May you rest in peace. Goodbye Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Elin Lam

Dearest Mr. Lee

You are truly our HERO!

I will never forget the tears you shed. Those tears of love remind us of your determination to make Singapore a land of difference.

Indeed! You have made a firm foundation for this nation and with our united heart, we will see this RED DOT shine.

Surely! Goodness and Mercy will follow all your loved ones from your hard work.

We salute and will miss you always!

Candy Poh

Thank you Mr. Lee for making Singapore what it is today. We are proud of you. May you rest in peace.

Sakaya Johns Rani

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

Your name will profoundly remain in our mind and hearts, your courage and vision is greatly admired. You built this great nation - a miracle economy. May God bless your soul and may you continue to bless Singapore from heaven.

Jovi Seet

In remembrance of our founding father Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for dedicating your life to the building of Singapore. May you rest in peace.

Melvin Poon

For me, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is Singapore.

Without him, Singapore, being a tiny red dot, would not be able to punch above its weight and be relevant to the world as we are today.

Without him, we will not be one of the world's most successful economies/countries in a short span of 50 years.

Without him, we will not be leading the lives we do today.

Mr. Lee is a thinker, communicator, leader and visionary - most of all, a man of principles and integrity. A true leader that we are proud to have as a role model for future generations to come. My interactions with him, albeit limited, have been positive and inspiring.

As a Singaporean, I am very grateful to be a beneficiary of Mr. Lee's vision of creating a safe country, a transparent and effective government, a world class education system and an extremely connected infrastructure. Mr. Lee has given his whole life to build this country we call home - Thank you!

RIP, Mr. Lee.

Dominic Nixon

Forever Remembered, forever Inspirational - not just in Singapore but by the World. Forever Grateful.

Natasha Chung-Voon

As a foreigner, I'm grateful to be living in such a great country - a small dot on the world map that is punching above its weight like no other. Thank you for making this place what it is today - I'm sure your inspirational legacy will live on through the many generations to come. Rest in peace.

James Clemence

It was with great sadness that I heard the news about the passing of “Mr. Singapore”, Lee Kuan Yew. He was a truly remarkable man whose vision and commitment created this amazing country that I am grateful to call home today. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.

Chloe Lai

Thank you Mr. Lee for everything.

The Vision, passion for Singapore. 1People 1Nation 1Singapore and the only 1.

You will be deeply missed.




Isabelle Wu

Thank you sir for your determination, outstanding will and leadership. Thank you for leading Singapore’s progress from a third world country to a first class nation. Thank you for the peace and prosperity we've enjoyed these 50 years. It’s a shame you cannot be there to physically witness SG50's national day parade. But we believe you will always be watching the nation wherever you are. And we are all happy that you have left for somewhere happier and that you get to reunite with your wife.

Rest in peace, the founding father of Singapore.

Novielene Chan

You have built a Singapore that many of us are proud to call home. With all sincerity, thank you! May you rest in peace.

Michelle Kwan

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

As we bid goodbye to you, our 1st Prime Minister, we grieve because we know we will never see a man with such dedication and vision again.

Singapore is different because of you.

Singapore will be different without you.

Thank you Sir for all that you have done for Singapore. May you rest in peace.

Lee Seng Chee

I give my sincere thanks to a visionary leader who has made a place many of us are proud to call Home.

Mr. Lee, you have given up your whole life to pursue the dreams and the desire to make this little Red Dot what it is today. Today we stand tall and proud on the world stage. You have made Singapore known and respected. You have provided us with a safe environment and a good place for our future generations to grow. May Singapore continue to be blessed with her future leaders who will uphold the high standards that you have set. All of us, the past, present and future generations owe you a debt of gratitude! Rest in peace, Mr. Lee!

Chuah Syi Yar

Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for building Singapore into the beautiful country we are proud to call home. Your legacy will be remembered for generations to come. May you rest in peace.

Yeak Hwee Meng

Our hearts grieve at your passing. You are like a father to our nation. You fought valiantly for our independence. Your sheer will, hard work and determination brought Singapore out from a third world country to a first world country. Under your visionary leadership, you and your team has built a nation which we call home and which we are all very proud of. Without you there is no Singapore. We are forever grateful for all the things that you have done for Singapore. You have fought the good fight and run a good race. Now, may you rest in peace, Sir.

Jovyn Ong

On this day, 23rd March 2015, we have lost our founding father. I am deeply thankful to you for the dedication of your life wholeheartedly to this sunny island. Singapore would have been nothing without you. My generation would not have benefitted from your fruits of labour. Thank you for building this beautiful home, Sir. May you rest in peace.

Lai Meijie

Thank you, Mr. Lee, our most respected founding father. No words can describe your dedication, vision and courage in making Singapore what it is today. You will forever be remembered as our leader, our role model and the icon of Singapore.

RIP Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Sywell See

Deeply moved by the quote "50 years ago, he wept for the nation. 50 years later, his people weep for him."

There will be no Singapore without Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. Greatly thankful for your selfless protection and love for the nation. Let the Singapore Legacy lives on in our hearts.

Sally Chew

Thank you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, for dedicating all of your life to the citizens of Singapore. You are a true HERO in our hearts that no one can deny. You have made the impossible possible for the country and we are really indebted for all that you have done. You werereally a Godsend to all Singaporeans. We Love You. May you rest in peace.

Lim Say Ji

Thank you for making Singapore a great country.

May you rest in peace.

Liew Wai Meng

A decent man who has sacrificed much for our country.

He has lived a good life. May he rest in peace.

Saurabh Singhal

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Even in India, we have been hearing your stories since long ago and your will power and determination is a benchmark for us.

May your soul rest in peace and we promise you to work with full sincerity and determination.


Saurabh Singhal.

PwC SDC Bangalore, India.

Luar Bee Ling

The security, the efficiency, the equal opportunities, the multi-racial harmony, the garden city, the multi-lingual system, the clean river, the welcoming Changi Airport, the safe environment in this wonderful home country would all not have been possible without you. Your vision, your courage and your tenacity has propelled Singapore to where it is today. Thank-you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. You will always have a space in my heart.

David Toh

With the passing of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, we have lost a founding father, a great leader, an architect of modern Singapore and a role model who contributed relentlessly to the success of Singapore. My family is so proud to call ourselves Singaporean.

Thank you Mr. Lee! May you rest in peace and may your legacy live on for many generations to come.

Chai Shin Jhen

Every time I read something about Mr. Lee, I am overcome by emotion.

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, you will always be forever remembered!

Kwok Wui San

An extraordinary human being who has done so much for so many, leaving a remarkable legacy that has touched the lives, and hearts, of all Singaporeans. We take comfort that he now joins his beloved wife, resting in peace, in a better place.

Isaac Lau

Without you, Singapore will not be where it is now. Our economy, education, and standard of living improved substantially ever since we gained our independence. Because of you, we can live comfortably in our warm shelters without any worries. Your legacy will continue and be remembered through our future generations. Your vision for Singapore is far more than all of us can imagine.

Joyce Chung

Thank you Mr. Lee for your dedication to making Singapore what it is today. Without you, I wouldn't have the opportunity to call Singapore my second home. May you rest in peace.

My deepest condolences to the Lee family.

Wong Khai Ming

Although Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had been unwell and hospitalized since February, the broadcast of his death still saddened me. I don't usually wear blue on Mondays to avoid the thoughts of Monday Blues. But on 23/3/15 (Monday), I was wearing dark blue to mourn the passing of late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

I thank you, Mr. Lee, for Singapore.

Abhijit Ghosh

There are very few men in the history of modern mankind who left behind such a profound impact in the development of a nation. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew's vision, passion and leadership has propelled us and Singapore to a level which we should all be proud of. We have to bond and work together to protect and build upon his dream to make Singapore more successful in years to come. We will all miss you.

RIP Mr. Lee.

Rob Spring

My family and I were saddened to wake Mondaymorning to the news that Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had passed away. Juliana, myself and our daughters have been so very fortunate to call Singapore home for the past few years and have watched this amazing city continue to transform.

Our girls have been asking lots of questions and have voluntarily commenced school projects on his legacy which reinforces to me how wide an impact he has had on so many regardless of origin. Singapore should be very proud of what it has achieved with his guidance and vision. He truly was a global statesman and will be treasured and remembered this week all around the world.

Our thoughts with the family, the wider Singapore community and our friends within PwC.

Rob, Juliana, Haley and Claire

Susan Yeo

Mr. Lee,

What would we be without you?Thank you for everything you did, making me proud to shout to the whole world - I am Singaporean.

RIP Mr. Lee, you will never be forgotten.

Billy Bennett

This is a very sad time for Singapore but an opportunity to reflect on the leadership, passion and commitment of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew to build a better place for Singapore and its people.

May he rest in peace.

Ling Tok Hong

From Third World to First, from fishing village to economic miracle, in one lifetime. An entire adult life devoted to Singapore. Thanks to Mr. Lee's emphasis on creating jobs for my parents, housing for my family and most of all, education for me and my siblings, we have all left that brutally hardscrabble life behind.

Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and thank you Mrs Lee. I only hope we don't let you down, and we continue to build on your successes. My sincere condolences to the Lee family.

“But Singapore is an ever-growing concern. Singapore is my concern till the end of my life - Lee Kuan Yew” (taken from the book 'Hard Truths To Keep Singapore Going')

Mahip Gupta

In fact, we actually do not lose such leaders; their lives and character continue to inspire us forever!

Alywin Teh

Whenever asked who my role model is, the first to come to mind is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. He has been a constant source of inspiration and has been influential in shaping my personal values, attributes and character. I describe him as a pragmatic visionary who gets the job done. It is those values coupled with his sense of purpose and tireless passion in building what he believes in that created what is uniquely Singapore as we see her today. I have learnt so much but there remains so much more for me to learn from a Singapore legend. I am very proud to be called a Singaporean, and like him, I aspire to put this small island nation on the world map. I am saddened by his passing but I believe there is some LKY left in all of us and indeed many of us to continue on this journey that he started. Rest in peace!

Sam Kok Weng

Today, Singapore is blessed with many things that other nations and their citizens are envious of. Economic success, an infrastructure that works, a clean, green and safe environment, racial and religious harmony, punching above its weight in global politics. Possibilities are realised because of the conviction of you and the pioneer generation. Mr. Lee, you have steered the ship of Singapore through many stormy seas. A ship that I and many others now enjoy, a big THANK YOU to you. The story of Singapore could easily have been a different one. With much gratitude and reverence, I salute all that you have done and all that you have given to the country. And we can all learn from your passion (of Singapore) too in all that we do and believe in. You have worked hard for all of us, may you now rest in peace.It is now time for us to do our part to make this country and you proud.

Choo Eng Beng

A good leader is someone who does good when he is around.A great leader is someone whose goodness continues even when he is not around. I thank God for blessing Singapore with a Great Leader like our beloved LKY,whose greatness will be remembered for generations.

Oh Siew Yong

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew was a fearless man. It was his compassion and great love for the people around him that propelled his actions. He was a man with a big heart so filled with the love for his people that he did everything he could do to guard and secure their future- our future. As I read and heard some of his speeches, the words that stuck me were "do not fear, soldier on". He had the mentality of an extremely confident man who refused to back down and always picked himself up. His words and actions have impacted and benefitted all of us, whether in or out of Singapore.

Singapore is where she is now because of Mr. Lee's love for his nation, his perfect love which drove out all his fear. Likewise, we must love our nation and never give up. We must soldier on and live out our lives purposely and like Mr. Lee, leave a legacy of blessings to others in the many years to come.

Thank you Mr. Lee and thank God for you. You are forever in our hearts and minds, and may God bless you with His grace and mercy.

Rest in peace.

Celine Liew

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

I was born in Singapore in 1990, the year you stepped down as the 1st Prime Minister. I may not have witnessed your work for the first 30 years of your political career, but I have definitely reaped the benefits and results of your labour. I'm grateful for your sacrifices made, and your encouragement to your son who is now our Prime Minister to carry on your legacy. Because of you, we are proud to be Singaporeans. May you rest in eternal peace as you look upon the land that you had built from above.

Girish Vikas Naik

Dear Beloved LKY

I did not know much of you, when I came to Singapore 13 years ago, but over the past 13 years, I have realised how much you have given up, emotionally andphysicallyto make this Tiny Red Dot a world class First World Country. As a newly inducted Singapore citizen, I have a lot to feel proud ofand owe a lot to you. I bow to thee and hope this city nation carries on your legacy for many generations to come.

Geraldine Tan

Thank you for your lifetime dedication to our little island. No one believed in us, not even ourselves. But you persevered and pressed us on. We didn't like it of course but because you soldiered on, we became a first world country in one generation. I thank God for giving you to us and because of the foundation that you had laid, Singapore's latter will be greater than her former.

Linda Ng

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

Words cannot describe the great things that you have done for Singapore. You may have left us, but all the great memories of your hard work will live with us forever.

From a little Red Dot, Singapore has become a Prominent Red Dot because of you!

May you rest in peace.

Jenny Lee

Thank you, for devoting your life to building and giving us a Singapore I am so proud to call my home. May you rest in peace.

Chan Khei Hong

To the tune of "Candle in the Wind"....

Goodbye, Founding Father,

May your legend ever grow in our hearts; You rose to be a true giant of history, when our future fell apart;

You built a nation out of nothing; And you persuaded those in doubt, made us proud to be Singaporeans;

And the stars spell out your name.

And it seems to me that you lived your life, like a candle in the wind;

Never fading with the sunset, when the rain set in;

And I would have liked to have known you, but I am just a kid.

Your candle burned out long before, your legend never did.

And your life and passion will always be remembered by our ever grateful hearts;

Your candle burned out long before, there'll never be another Lee Kuan Yew.

Felita Teo

You have made it possible for our families to live harmoniously regardless of race or religion.

You fought the hardest battles for us, for this and everything you've sacrificed. Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. for all that you have done for our nation.

Wendy Wong

A simple thank you is not enough to let you know how much we love you. Losing you is definitely the biggest loss for Singapore. Nevertheless, knowing that you will be reunited with your beloved wife and free from all illness and suffering, is somehow a relief to me.

I will continue to mourn for you as a form of respect and lastly, SALUTE TO THE GIANT MAN!

Helena Hoong

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

You fought the good fight and you finished the race. You built up this little red dot from nothing to what we have now. A beautiful home for your people and a country well respected around the world.

A legacy which will live on forever and which we will always treasure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Rest in peace now and be reunited with Mrs Lee.

May God bless you and your family.

Yong Yee Shi

It was a sad day for all Singaporeans who have seen and experienced Singapore's transformation. Dearest Sir, your leadership has been exceptional and inspirational to me since I was young. Remembering watching you cry on screen when the Malaya merger failed during my history class, I put you in a special place in my heart. At that point, somehow I knew you would have done anything to grow Singapore and you did. You made Singapore, one red dot on the atlas, a synonym of efficient, clean, green and success. THANK YOU MR. LEE. It has been an honour to have been alive to see your contributions to my home; our nation.

Ramu Samy

Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, you are a great man. Thank you for building Singapore.

Anthony Pain

After reading your memoirs and in particular the second volume ("From Third World to First"), I decided to come to Singapore to experience what you described in your memoirs and discover your amazing country. Thanks to PwC, I have been on assignment here for 8 months now and I enjoy every single day of my life here (professional and personal). Singapore is an amazing city: modern, international, full of energy, and green at the same time. It is also very safe and stable from an economical point of view. What you have done is unique. You are the proof that a man with a vision and the courage to make it become reality can change the destiny of a country. I am deeply impressed by what you did and very sad when I heard the news yesterday. You changed the lives of millions of people including mine. You are such a source of inspiration not only for Asia but also for the world. We have a lot to learn from the Singapore way- your way. Thank you and may you rest in peace.

Chris Woo

Our founding father Mr. Lee brought so much to our country and to so many of us. We need to pay tribute to him by keeping his standards and continuing his good work. He will be missed but his spirit runs deep in Singapore's veins.

Cindy Choo

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for all that you have done for Singapore! Without you, Singapore would not be where it is today! Know that you will always be cherished and remembered in our hearts.

Aisha Binte Jaafar

Thank You Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

Because of you, our children can grow in a safe environment, we can sleep peacefully at night in our homes and all races and religions live harmoniously together.. Without your vision and determination we would not have all this... Thank you is never enough for the man who built this nation from nothing to a metropolis city!

Rest now Sir.

Cindy Kwan

Dear Mr. Lee, though you are no longer with us, your legacy lives with us forever. May you rest in peace.

Felicia Peh

“Lee Kuan Yew”, the name of the man that I have always looked up to since young. As I look all around me, it never ceases to amaze me how we were nothing all those years back ; how we were just a "little red dot", but you fearlessly believed in our republic and fought so hard for us all these years. Despite our limited resources, with the lack of basic necessities like water or land, we developed from a third world to the first world nation we are now.

Thank you for your fierce passion, undying dedication and the selfless sacrifices that you made for our republic. You truly are the father of our nation, the one who miraculously built a great nation out of almost nothing, the one who undeniably gave his best and all to Singapore.

Dear Sir, I believe you are in a better place, reunited with your beloved wife, and you have left a lasting legacy that will never, ever be forgotten. We may mourn our loss of an unparalleled great leader, but at the same time, we also celebrate your life and your achievements that go far beyond what words can express.

Amy Kek

My heartfelt thanks and gratitude to you for putting your heart and soul into building this nation- a place where my family and I can say “This Is Home, Truly.”

Every year while watching NDP telecast from home, we will keep a lookout and wait for your arrival as we join in the crowd in clapping our hands to warmly welcome you. This year’s SG50 jubilee year celebration will not be complete without your presence. You will be dearly missed.

June Chung

Dear Mr. Lee,

Your great name will always be etched in my heart. You have shown us a great example of living life to its fullest and your great legacy (passion, determination, visionary leadership and more) will always be remembered! You are truly our great hero (double confirmed!), made in Singapore! May you rest in peace.

Melissa Ho

Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

You who steered Singapore from third world to first against all odds in less than fifty years. We were looked upon as a country doomed to fail and with no prospects. But look where we are today - the beautiful urban landscape around us as compared to Singapore back then. It takes a visionary man of incomparable leadership and unparalleled insight to steer our country to where she is today. Thank you Sir for building this admirable nation we can call home.

Now, go reunite with Mrs Lee and watch us continue your legacy.

Karen Heng

Thank You Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

You dedicated and sacrificed your entire life into building this country with great vision and determination, with strength to overcome adversities to make it what it is today- a world-renowned, harmonious and peaceful country which I am proud to call home.

No words can express our loss, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew - you will be remembered in our hearts.

May you rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and be joined in after life with Mrs Lee.

Magdelene Chua

Thank you Mr. Lee for building not just a beautiful city, but also, leaving behind a beautiful legacy, a respectable country and more importantly, a future for our next generation.

Jenny Yang

The Great Founder of Singapore Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Thank you for your full dedication and unwavering spirit. Your legend will live in the heart of every Singaporean forever!

RIP Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

David Sageaux

One of the last great statemen of the 20th Century...I feel blessed living in his country

Adeline Goh

It is a nation’s grief to mourn the loss of our Founding Father. Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, you have touched many lives and built up Singapore to be a prosperous country which we would never have been if not because of you. You are like a light which shines on Singapore during the darkest of time. Rest in peace Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and I salute you.

Nina Tan

Thank you Mr. Lee for having the vision, for staying firm and for steering Singapore in the right direction. May you rest in peace.

Ericia Neo

Mr. Lee is The Icon of Singapore.

Cecilia Lim

No words can express our loss - Lee Kuan Yew was truly a Godsend!

Thank you Mr. Lee for sacrificing most of your life to give us Singaporean a good life! Eternal rest be granted unto Lee Kuan Yew O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul rest in peace!

Adeline Lau

Dear Mr. Lee

Thank you for all that you have done for Singapore. We have been very lucky to have you. May you rest in peace.

Hwee Cher Sim

For in this world, there has only been ONE MAN – who has enabled a little red dot to make indelible marks on history.

Kalpana Srivastava

On one of my initial visits to Singapore, when asked how I liked the place, I told the taxi driver that there's a lot to learn from your country - the way it's structured, the discipline, cleanliness, a quiet island with a significant presence and he said 'thank you for appreciating, it's all because of our leader LKY'. Those words echo time and again. LKYs life and struggles are and will continue to be an inspiration. RIP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Ang Siow Hoon

“At the end of the day, what have I got? A successful Singapore. What have I given up? My life.”

Thank you , Mr. Lee! My utmost gratitude to you for what you have done for Singapore. I am a proud Singaporean. You will be dearly missed! RIP .

Tan Khiaw Ngoh

Singapore lost a great visionary leader, who has devoted his life to our island country. Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for putting this little Red Dot, known as Singapore, on the world map. May you rest in peace.

Florence Loh

Dear Mr. Lee,

You believed in the strength to overcome adversity. You have brought us from nowhere to somewhere.

Thank you for being an inspiration and thank you for our Home today.

You will be dearly missed. May you rest in peace.

Seah Shao Qi

A man who dedicated his life to building this country that I am proud to call home. Thank you. RIP, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Theresa Sim

The nation grieves its loss of a truly visionary and inspirational leader. A passionate man who dedicated his entire life to build this country. Many aspects of what we enjoy in Singapore today bear your imprint and you will live forever in the fond memories of many.

Words cannot well express our gratitude. Thank you Sir for all that you have done for Singapore and made us proud to be Singaporeans. May you rest in peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and join Mrs Lee in the afterlife.

Koh Soo How

In the peaceful city that is Singapore, the lion sleeps tonight. We salute you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and may you sleep well.

Mary Heng

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

You may have left but what you have devoted to Singapore will be remembered. This lovely young nation has benefited from your insights and determination to come to what it is today-a world-renowned, harmonious and peaceful country. Thank you!

Etienne Cosnefroy

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

I cannot help but admire the strength and the breadth of the vision that you have embodied over all these years. You have carried this vision with such belief and intensity that you made Singapore one of the greatest success stories of the past centuries.

Today I grieve with an entire nation that has lost its Father.

You will be missed Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, rest in peace.

Meryl Kwek

Dear Mr. Lee

We can never thank you enough for your dedication and devotion to building this nation. Under your leadership, we rose from a third world to a first world nation in just 50 years. We will work hard to continue your legacy and bring Singapore to greater heights. You will be truly missed by one and all. Rest in peace, may the good Lord bless you and keep you.

Ong Hui Min

Thank you for building our home. Rest Well Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Chermaine Phoon

Thank you for everything that you've done for Singapore. We will not be where we are without you. May you Rest in Peace, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

Daniel Tan

A country gets ready to step out of the shadow of a great man. Thank you for everything.

Philip Lam

You made all of this happen. 50 years - Singapore’s Jubilee. We wish you could have celebrated it with the nation that you did it all for.

Rest in Peace.

Jerlyn Lim

RIP Mr. Lee Kuan Yew.

You are a Great Man and will always be remembered by every one of us in PwC.

God Bless!

Antonie Jagga

Coming from South Africa, we too know what it feels like to lose a visionary leader, one who is not afraid to stand against popular sentiment, and to make difficult decisions.

Singapore is fortunate to be left with a great legacy, and I hope that the nation never forgets the struggles of those before them in looking to the future.

Rest In Peace LKY.

Candy Li

What strikes me most about you Mr. Lee is your courage.

You walked the road less travelled,
You made the tough decisions,
You stuck to your ideals.

While I can only hope to emulate you, I draw strength from your fortitude, your determination.

I stand in solidarity with a nation as we bid you farewell and thank you for your courage.

Tan Wan Qi

Thank you for helping to build up our nation all your life.

You will always be remembered.

Rest in peace, dear Mr. Lee.

Karen Loon

Although Singapore is my second home, I have lived here almost half my life including over three quarters’ of my working life, and have benefited from the many things you have done to build a great nation. Many countries can learn from what you have done for Singapore and Singaporeans. I am immensely proud to be associated with Singapore.

Rest in peace, LKY.

Derek Kidley

There are very few individuals that have had such an impact on a country and the World. LKY's legacy is stunning and so many people have better lives as a result of his visionary leadership. This is a sad time for Singapore who has lost its founding father, but also a time of joy to reflect on the huge contribution that he has made to the country.

Rest in peace.

Jessie Goh

Thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for devoting your whole life building Singapore to what she is today. No words can express our sadness in moments like this. Your hard work and accomplishments are recognised throughout the world and you sir, complete Singapore! You will live forever in our hearts and we will continue to live the LKY's spirit - Majulah Singapura!

Rest in peace, Father of our nation.

Ong Tong

With deepest respect and gratitude. Rest in peace.

Chang Yie Chen

We thank you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew for your contributions to Singapore.

Rest in peace Father of our nation.

Julia Leong

You have left behind a great legacy. With deepest respect, may you rest in peace.

Ho Hean Chan

Gone physically you may be, and some may naively believe that time will wash away memories. Or will it? Every corner we turn, you will be there somehow. the HDB housing we call home, the schools our children attend, the quality water from taps we enjoy so wastefully, the world class airport and amenities we are so proud of but are objects of others' envy.... you are everywhere. You are here to stay Sir.

You are why we are so proud to be Singaporeans. Thank you, Mr. Lee. May you rest in peace.

Gone physically you may be, but present spiritually you will forever be.

Tham Tuck Seng

Without you, Singapore may not be what she is today;

Without you, I may not have come to Singapore 35 years ago;

Without you, I may not have a happy family and known a bunch of good friends;

Without you, I will not be what I am today;

From the bottom most of my heart,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Mr. Lee Kuan Yew;


Yeow Chee Keong

Thank your for your Vision to build us into a First World country and compete in the international arena. You will be remembered and your legacy will continue as we continue to develop the next generation and build on your Vision.

Gloria Wong

Mr. Lee, a big thank you to your contribution to Singapore. You will be remembered by us. Rest in peace, Mr. Lee.

Margaret Goh

Dear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

Words alone probably cannot pen enough of our heartfelt emotions and our nation's loss. The loss and pain is immeasurable. We have memories of you, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew and a Singapore we call Home to remember you by. Your legacy must and will live on. We cannot imagine a Singapore without you Sir, but we are praying for a united and strong Singapore for many, many generations to come. You wept for Singapore and her people on 9th August 1965, today we weep for losing you, a great man, a legend and our founding father. You have fought a good fight and are now, in peaceful rest. We continue to pray that Singapore strives in prosperity and peace as you would have wished.

May your soul rest in peace. Heaven has gained an angel. Thank you and farewell, Mr. Lee.

Jackson Lim

Dear Mr. Lee, you have created a nation of abundance out of nothing, a world class education system we can call our own, a safe environment that countless other nations aspire to have and most of all, a country whose citizens can relate to others with pride.

You cried for the nation 50 years ago and the nation cries for you today. We live well because you led well and we will never forget you. You are Singapore. Thank you for your life-long hard work and contribution. May god bless you wherever you are.

Adeline Tay

Dearest Mr. Lee,

The great statesman and visionary leader! Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication for the past 50 years to make Singapore what it is today. Without you, we wouldn't have such a safe country to live in. You will be deeply missed by the nation. May you rest in peace. God bless.

Samantha Ho

Dear Mr. Lee

Thank you for an amazing Singapore that I have come to appreciate so much more only after living abroad.

Things that we take for granted in Singapore - shops open till 10pm, post offices open on Saturdays, being able to run safely along beautiful park connectors without worry, efficiencies of the public transport system, consistency of government policies for the progress of the nation, education and racial tolerance - we wouldn't have without your great vision and foresight.

You have been nothing but inspirational.

Love you always, rest in peace.

Yip Yoke Har

Thank you, Mr. Lee, for this wonderful place that my family and I call home. Your legacy is truly inspiring! Rest in peace!

Lynn Chua

Thank you Mr. Lee for giving up your life for a successful Singapore. Your Legacy lives on. May you rest in peace.

Doris Ngiam

Dearest Mr. Lee,

You are a hero! We will not see another Mr. Lee Kuan Yew again!

I am beyond words in expressing my gratitude for what you have done for Singapore. With your great foresight, belief, perseverance, dedication and hard work, you have built Singapore into a clean, peaceful and successful country.

You will be deeply missed by all. Your spirit and values will be remembered. Thank you and may you rest in peace.

Sim Siew Ying

We all salute you Mr. Lee Kuan Yew,

You are such a GREAT MAN with tolerance, hardship and determination that build this Strong and Beautiful Nation - SINGAPORE.

You will be remembered by all of us. May you rest in peace.




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