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PwC Singapore pays tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

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PwC Singapore pays tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

News release

Date 23 March 2015
Contact Candy Li
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PwC Singapore pays tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

Singapore, 23 March 2014 – PwC Singapore issues the following condolence message in respect of the late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew:

We, at PwC Singapore, are deeply saddened by the passing of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the Founding Father of modern Singapore

We pay tribute to Mr. Lee Kuan Yew

For his vision, courage and wisdom

For devoting his entire life to build a first world nation

Let us always remember his ideals and what he stood for

Let us build on his foundation

Let us keep Singapore truly exceptional

For generations to come

Remembering Mr. Lee Kuan Yew (1923 - 2015)


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Siew Ling Ong

Siew Ling Ong

Press contact Manager, Brand and Communications
Candy Li

Candy Li

Press contact Team Lead - Brand & Communications
Si Jie Lang

Si Jie Lang

Press contact Consultant Brand and Communications +65 9825 1672

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