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Why PitchMark is calling all IP lawyers to join the Global Legal Network to help innovators

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Why PitchMark is calling all IP lawyers to join the Global Legal Network to help innovators

Innovators spend most of their time and energy in creating, and often miss out on protecting their ideas, or learning about different ways to deter third parties, with whom they might share their ideas, from copying them without due credit or compensation.

Nobody expects creators to become legal experts and that's precisely why PitchMark is building a Global Legal Network of law firms and lawyers in the intellectual property space.

PitchMark’s founder Mark Laudi and legal advisor Frank Rittman interview with AsiaIP’s Managing Editor Gregory Glass

It is expensive for creators to hire a lawyer to chase after the client that has ripped off their idea. However, PitchMark founder Mark Laudi and legal advisor Frank Rittman explain how our platform can help influence, dissuade and deter your prospective clients from using your ideas without compensation by showing proof of ownership.

With creators from 39 different jurisdictions around the world, PitchMark is looking to add more IP lawyers to be part of the Global Legal Network, and assist creatives in not only fighting off infringement but also in business negotiations and contract writing.

As they say, prevention is better than cure. Lawyers play a critical role in three ways. Firstly, lawyers can educate and raise awareness about intellectual property in the PitchMark community before anything happens. Secondly, by having the lawyer's name on the PitchMark proof of creation certificate, the creator can deter the client from stealing the idea by indicating that he is supported by PitchMark’s network of registered lawyers.

The third aspect is enforcement. If something unpleasant happens, registered innovators who are already in touch with members of PitchMark’s Global Legal Network immediately have a go. They're not caught in a situation where they're trying to figure out whom to consult after their idea is being used without permission, which is, arguably, going to be a bit too late.

To read the full conversation click here.

PitchMark helps innovators deter idea theft, so that third-parties that they share their idea with get the idea but don’t take it. Visit and register for free as a PitchMark member today.




Mark Laudi

Mark Laudi

Press contact Managing Partner (+65) 6223 2249

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Let your clients get the idea, without taking it.

PitchMark deters idea theft and provides you with options if it happens.

PitchMark protects the expression of your original concepts, designs, proposals, business plans, creative pitches, music - in short, any idea that you conceived and published, and claim as your own. It gives you peace-of-mind by signalling to whoever you share it with that you are its creator, and that you wish to be respected as such.

If you receive or evaluate ideas or pitches, join PitchMark as a sign of your commitment to respect the Intellectual Property rights of their creators. Attract more in-depth pitches from a wider range of sources. Highlight your PitchMark membership in your Sustainability or CSR Report.
