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IP Chit Chat with film producer Juan Foo

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IP Chit Chat with film producer Juan Foo

Thanks to technological advancement, new platforms are being launched every other day, providing more opportunities for creators to share their stories with the world. However, that also means that protecting the intellectual property rights of these stories is more important than ever. In the first interview in our new IP Chit Chat series, we speak to veteran Singapore film producer Juan Foo about how film-makers can protect these IP rights.

According to Juan, the film industry in Singapore is at a nascent stage and there are few established norms for creators to follow, forcing them to conduct their own fact-checking and weigh the consequences on their own.

He recounts his own experience of bringing a project into the market, only to discover one year later that another filmmaking group with larger resources had developed a film that was strikingly identical to what he wanted to create. 

He stressed that that if a creator is unable to develop an idea to a point where he or she can protect it through enforcing IP rights, someone else may well steal the idea because they are larger and stronger and may be able to reach the market earlier.

Juan also gives a 4-step guide on how to protect one’s work from IP theft. Check out his full interview to find out more about these tips.

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Mark Laudi

Mark Laudi

Press contact Managing Partner (+65) 6223 2249

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