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New Tips – How to Simply and Efficiently Manage Electrical Bills While Reducing Energy Waste

Energy, time and money can be some of the hardest things to manage if you don’t have the right tools. Here’s one way to make it easier for yourself.

One of the primary interests of many home automation enthusiasts is energy management. Having the ability to supervise and exercise tighter control over how much energy is being consumed in one’s home is not only exceedingly convenient, but also a wonderful service to the environment while helping to reduce one’s utility charges. In fact, given how technology is so firmly embedded in our lives, being able to manage the daily energy expenditure at home is rapidly becoming a necessity for the eco-conscious home owner.

One of the simplest but most neglected ways to save energy in the home is turning off electrical appliances and devices when they are not being used. Things like outdoor lights, water pumps and water heaters are just a few examples of devices that can make the electrical bills grow bigger for the household without a homeowner noticing.

Small mistakes like this can add up at the end of the day. Thankfully, efficient energy management at home doesn’t have to start at exorbitant prices. For example, Panasonic’s Automatic Time Switch is one product that provides an elegant solution – and more benefits – for the energy-aware consumer.

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How the Automatic Time Switch works

Usually installed in or near the electrical distribution boardsby professionals, the Automatic Time Switch is a device built with a clock, along with an On/Off switching mechanism and links electrically with thedevice of your choice: from indoor and outdoor lighting to ventilation systems, sprinklers, pool pumps and a wide range of other household devices. This allows a user to select a specific time for the activation and deactivation of a device. Additionally, the user can choose to activate a device for a specific interval to avoid any failure due to the device being activated for too long.

Alternative uses for the Automatic Time Switch

Apart from lighting devices, pool pumps and other common household systems and gadgets, the Automatic Time Switch can be used in many diverse and surprising ways. For example, in the Asia region, they are commonly used as:

  • Electric bug exterminators: The Automatic Time Switch can be programmed to activate from around the time the sun sets to keep away bothersome insects at night. This is particularly useful when hosting dinners in a garden or lawn setting, or even in tropical homes to ensure a peaceful night’s sleep. The Automatic Time Switch also features an airtight body, preventing bugs from getting in.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicElectrified exterminator
  • Front-doorlighting devices: Besides not having to fumble for the keyhole in the dark, having a small light in front of your door that activates itself at night gives off the appearance of someone being at home, which can go a long way towards preventing burglary when you’re not at home.
  • Image and video hosting by TinyPicFront-door light
  • Livestock feeding process: Controlling livestock feeding processes, such as coordinating the feeding time of farmed animals, or producing oxygenated water for aqua-farming, can be challenging to accomplish off-site. The Automatic Time Switch provides significant benefits for farmers or companies with large-scale farming facilities, by helping to reduce labour costs while increasing work efficiency at the same time.
  • Image and video hosting by TinyPicFeeders

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Oxygen supply

Designed not only for household use, the Automatic Time Switch also works perfectly with civic infrastructure – it can be used to efficiently control ATMs, bus and train station lights, streetlights, parks and fountains, and countless other applications.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lighting & Ads at train stations and bus stops

Image and video hosting by TinyPic ATM services

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Water fountains

Never too late to be eco-friendly

As the Automatic Time Switch can be installed without requiring any reconstructive work to the building, it’s easy for any home owner to improve the energy efficiency in their house.

For property developers, the Automatic Time Switch can also add tremendous value in creating a competitive edge as a responsible and far-sighted industry player, while providing clients with the advantages of a home that is friendly on both the wallet and the environment.

Panasonic’s Automatic Time Switch is also equipped with the latest technologies and features many unique benefits, such as:

  • An inbuilt operations check light which clearly indicates whether the device has been properly activated when installed in dark areas.

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Easy Operation check

  • Smart design that allows for easy battery replacement without having to remove the device from the panel board.
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Easy battery replacement

  • Airtight body to reduce the risk of intrusion of bugs to a minimum, preventing potential malfunctions of the device.

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Body structure preventing bugs intrusion

  • Wide range of products compliant with IEC and RoHS standards.

Where to find it

The Automatic Time Switch, along with many other flexible eco-friendly solutions from Panasonic, is available in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries around the globe.

For additional information, please check the Panasonic website in your respective country.

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  • Building, property


  • technology
  • thailand
  • vietnam
  • indonesia
  • eco-solutions

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