
Nuruljannah Bte Md Shaharuddin

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Horizons - The Official Bi-Monthly Publication by MDIS (May/June 2014)

These past few months have been busy for MDIS, with the graduation ceremony for graduants fo the MDIS-University of Sunderland, the 19th Scholarship and Bursary Awards Ceremony in May, and the 59th Annual General Meeting in June. We hope you enjoy this issue!

Horizons - The Official Bi-Monthly Publication by MDIS (March/April 2014)

Back in the 90's, Mr Kevin Ong enrolled himself in the MDIS-University of Bradford Bsc (Hons) in Business Management programme. Despite two failed businesses, he persevered and now he's the founder and owner of popular local cream puff chain Chewy Junior. "I'd rather try and failed than never to try at all." Get a gist of the MDIS Experience in our March/April 2014 issue!