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Jean Yeo cuts an articulate figure in her CNBC interview

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Jean Yeo cuts an articulate figure in her CNBC interview

Jean Yeo, CEO of Ochre Pictures, is a clear and articulate interviewee, which is why we are nominating her for the Media Savvy Awards 2022.

Yeo fields the interview with ease as she showed host Christine Tan around the Ochre Pictures' studio, which she bought during the pandemic.

Watch and read below for my assessment.

We launched the Media Savvy Awards in 2018 to recognise local business leaders for their communications skills, and to showcase authentic and credible home-grown communicators.

Supported by the Asia Pacific Association of Communications Directors and joining us this year – the Investor Relations Professionals Association Singapore and the Public Relations and Communications Association - we highlight shining examples for other local business leaders to follow, and to build a culture of excellence in communication, to maximise the potential of Asian companies in the Asian Century.

Nominations close end of October 2022 at


Yeo does well when she is called upon to explain certain terms from her industry.

When asked what a showrunner does, Yeo explains the role clearly and describes the differences between a showrunner and a director. For impact, she ends the explanation with: “…so the showrunner is the person the broadcaster can blame if the show doesn’t do well…”

Good diction, delivery

Speaking clearly and with good diction, Yeo is one of the better speakers we have seen among the nominees.


She managed to get her message across by the end of the interview. Can you figure out her message?

If you know Jean Yeo, share this article and congratulate her on being nominated for the Media Savvy Awards 2022.

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Mark Laudi

Mark Laudi

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