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Eco Stylish Engineered Wood - Evorich Flooring

Good quality wood flooring can enhance that kind of home interior style you want for your home. Your home is something that you and your family will stay in for long term; so put some FUN in choosing that flooring that everyone in your household love and also something that lasts for a good period of time. 

Wood is Both Eco Friendly and Stylish

The first impression or perhaps a common stereotype on wood flooring is that it is always that kind of ancient looking and dull wood look. However, wood flooring is pretty exiciting in terms of style and quality. Good quality wood flooring can be stained in the right colors for the interior kind of outlook that you want for your home; whether it is a rustic classical image or a modern contemporary look; your wood flooring can be customised to any of your creative interior design ideas and thoughts.

Wood flooring is also a wonderful green product that can benefit both home owners as well as the sustainable environment too! Other than increasing the value of your property, it gives a natural and pleasant look and at the same time wood flooring helps to improves the surrounding air quality in your home.

Also, look for wood flooring products produced by responsible manufacturers that support forest sustainablity. A simple tip is to 'sniff' out for credible sustainable labels such as Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), PEFC and our most familiar, the Singapore Green Label. Responsible wood flooring manufacturers in the world take forest sustainability very seriously such that they will only get their raw timbers from audited forest resources to produce their flooring products.

In a nutshell, home owners can enjoy a huge array of advantages with Eco wood flooring without compromising the style and image of their homes and also the global environment. 

However, this question often "popped" out in the consumers' minds, "how to choose a good wood flooring products amidst the many brands available in the market today?" 

Well, home owners may need to look beyond eco friendliness and style of the wood a little; and focus on durability and stability of the wood flooring in the longer run.

Durability and Stability in the Longer Run 

Well, wood flooring can be a big ticket item especially for many young home owners who just started a new family. So, other than choosing the right style and color for your wood floor, it is always best to 'stick' with something that is high in durability so as to save the headache of incurring high maintenance costs in the future..

For indoor wood flooring, especially when we are talking about homes in Singapore where a high level of humidity and moisture is often one of the common worries for the home owners, choosing a more tropical engineered wood flooring product would be more appropriate in this sense. 

BKB engineered wood flooring has a core wood layer that is purely made of a resilient tropical wood known as Hevea. Hevea is a tropical sustainable wood that are commonly found in tropical climatic countries such as Malaysia. Hevea as the core layer of the engineered wood would then be relatively more durable as a result.

Good quality wood flooring has better dimensional stability; with good and proper installation of such flooring, your flooring can then last for a longer period of time. One reason why you need a wood floor with high dimensional stability is that your flooring expands and contracts at times due to changes in temperature in the atmosphere. Wood flooring with higher dimensional stability will therefore be relatively more stable to such expanding and contracting reaction.

In summary, do go further beyond that fun and Eco style reasons a little and emphasize a bit more on the durability and stability when you are out shopping for your new wood flooring product!

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  • Environment, Energy


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  • timber flooring
  • wood floor singapore

Evorich Holdings, is one of the most reputable flooring contractors in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Providing the end user with supply and installation of quality laminate flooring, high end resilient flooring, engineered wood flooring, timber flooring, indoor and outdoor decking.

Evorich Holdings is also a member of National Wood Flooring Association and a strong advocate for introducing Eco green flooring into the building and construction industry worldwide. Moreover, Evorich Holdings has recently been awarded as one of the Promising SME 500 awards in Singapore & is the first flooring contractor in Singapore to win the Spirit of Enterprise Award 2011. Evorich has also recently been awarded the Orchid Trusted Brands 2012 for quality customer services in Singapore


Jessica Lerios

Press contact Marketing and Communications Manager Marketing & Communications Strategies and Public Relation Activities 63487333

Raymond Foo

Press contact Franchise Manager Global business expansion 63487333

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