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Will robots take over the job of a journalist?

Robots are in. They are the latest thing to impact the work of journalism. Automated storytelling technology is already in use and reports say it is working well. The question on every journalist’s mind is this – will it eventually take over my job?

The LA Times’ “Quakebot” was used to write articles almost immediately after emergency situations happened, and editors are able to quickly scan, analyze and publish articles on their website. AP was able to generate about 3,000 reports, many of which are published “without human intervention”, that is without edits and with fewer errors. This is definitely disruptive, with or without human intervention. In one scenario, automated storytelling in complex situations enabled the news agency to be current whilst freeing up room for journalists to create compelling content. In the other scenario, a whole new chapter is written on the way news is produced solely by robots resulting in fewererrors. In this rapidly evolving landscape, robots are certainly here to stay and wills surely disrupt the newsroom workflow.

At Digital Journalism World 2015, a highly accomplished panel of expert speakers will be discussing the role of robots in news making, lay out the issues of human curation versus machines, and ultimately how we are to harness the power of automated storytelling to run a successful news media business.

One expert, Hille van der Kaa, an Associate Professor at Fonty’s School of Technology and Design, will talk about the advent of robot journalism, and how new technologies will influence the way we tell stories. She says. “On the one hand, the basic principles of what makes a good journalistic story don’t change too much. On the other hand, new technologies do influence the way journalists collect, analyze and present information.”

With many global news brands presented, this summit will dive into these exciting themes of:

  • Data driven stories
  • Open source intelligence for covering crises
  • Data visualizations and infographics
  • Social sharing and publishing
  • Strategies for mobile engagements with younger audiences
  • Wearables, bots and virtual reality in news reporting
  • Engaging the community and managing trolls

The summit will feature a top-notch panel of speakers:

  • Martin Stabe, Head, Interactive News, Financial Times
  • Ethan Klapper, Senior Social Media Editor, The Huffington Post
  • Robin Moroney, Communications Manager, Google
  • EtanHorowitz,Senior Mobile Editor, CNN Digital
  • Adam Najberg, Asia Digital Editor, Wall Street Journal
  • Tim Pool, Director of Media Innovation & Senior Correspondent, Fusion
  • Ryan O’Connor, Creative Director, News Online, BBC News
  • Andy Carvin, Editor-in-Chief,, First Look Media
  • Greg Barber, Director Digital News Projects, The Washington Post
  • Hille van der Kaa, Professor, Future Media, Fontys School of Applied Sciences
  • Joshua Wilwohl, Online Editor, The Cambodia Daily
  • James A. Neufeld, Founder & CEO, SAM
  • Mar Cabra, Data Journalism Manager, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
  • Mark Johnson, South-East Asia correspondent, The Economist
  • Robb Montgomery, CEO, Visual Editors, Founder, Smart Film School, Berlin Germany
  • Mat Yurow, Associate Director, Audience Development, The New York Times
  • EsaMakinen, Data and Interactives Editor, HelsinginSanomat
  • Marc Lourdes, Yahoo News Digest
  • Adam Najberg, Asia Digital Editor, The Wall Street Journal
  • Jim Roberts, Chief Content Editor, Mashable

Meet Asia’s news media professionals from editorial team, digital editors, news producing and news design teams, social media and mobile strategies teams. Get more information at

Digital Journalism World Summit 2015 is organized by Asher Russell Events Pte Ltd, the organizer of these successful series of media events: Native Advertising Summit, Interactive News Design, and the Digital Journalism World series.

For more info to attend the event, please contact Deborah Lee at:


  • Education


  • data journalism
  • alternative journalism
  • online journalism
  • robot journalism
  • automated storytelling
  • robots

Digital Journalism World will capture this exciting shift in Journalism onto the digital stage, as it embraces new technology and innovations in the digital space and multiple online platforms, while discarding old paradigms. This is a premier gathering of Journalists, Producers, Writers, Publishers and Executives in digital journalism, well known global media brands, trade and business media brands, as well as mobile and digital technology providers.

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