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3D-iExtrusion® enabled cylindrical cell-module-pack concept idea
3D-iExtrusion® enabled cylindrical cell-module-pack concept idea

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Reliefed Technologies in collaboration project for development of 3D battery

Reliefed Technologies, Micropower Group, Semcon and Jönköping University joins forces to explore a new 3D battery pack concept based on Reliefed’s 3D-iExtrusion® technology. The concept combines the opportunity of a lightweight, tab cooled battery pack solution that could be integrated in vehicles structures. The initial feasibility study phase is funded by Sweden's innovation agency - Vinnova.

Reliefed Technologies and the company's patented 3D-iExtrusion® technology enables new design and product development solutions as well as cost and energy efficient 3D mass production for products and applications. The ability to develop new superior technical solutions in the area of battery solutions have gained great interest and gathered a constellation of companies and academia that are active in the field of battery and battery pack development.

Together with the battery manufacturer Micropower Group, product development company Semcon and Jönköping University, Reliefed will now start an initial feasibility study to validate values enabled by the battery pack structure concept. The target for the project is to realise a tab cooled solution that is 20-50% lighter, made of 50% fewer parts and materials, feasible for automatic assembly, disassembly and recycling, 100-300% longer lifetime at fast charging/discharging and at a 20-50% lower cost.

"3D-iExtrusion® enable 3D mass production of structurally and thermally optimised profiles and utilised in the right way, we can achieve a solution that will shake the market and open up completely new technical solutions for the field of battery development," says Mark Jansson Kragh, CTO of Reliefed.

Torbjörn Sundström, CEO of Micropower Lionova, part of Micropower Group, is excited about the project. "We look forward to explore how 3D-iExtrusion® can help us make fast charged battery packs, with good thermal management in big volumes and with really high environmental benefits," says Torbjörn.

Today, the limitations in terms of weight, cost and production technologies, has meant lack of solutions using structural optimisation and tab cooling, even though it is a superior alternative for faster charging and longer battery lifetime.

"It is interesting to see how 3D-iExtrusion® can utilise the possibilities in a new concept and enable both material savings in production as well as lower weight and fewer materials in end product. This could help making EV's cost less with lower environmental imprint all the way from manufacturing to recycling," says Professor Anders Jarfors from Jönköping University.

Interest from the market has already begun to show and the view is shared from the project participants. "This project is in line with our focus on electromobility and I really believe the concept to be of interest to our customers in the EV market," says Fredrik Carlsson, Team Manager CFD simulations at Semcon.

More information is provided by

Mikael Eklund, CEO of Reliefed Technologies

mikael.eklund@reliefed.com +46 (0) 703 80 07 96



Reliefed Technologies offers product development and manufacturing companies an innovative, cost-effective and energy-efficient way to mass-produce 3D components/products. Commercialisation is carried out in close cooperation with industrial partners and is delivered either as finished products or licensed for the customer's own production. Extensive know-how combined with intellectual property rights based on the patented 3D-iExtrusion® technology enables 10-40 percent of materials and weight savings, 10-20 percent higher heat transfer capacity, 20-80 percent lower production costs and 20-70 percent lower energy consumption in production. www.reliefed.com


Jessica Eklund

Jessica Eklund

Presskontakt Graphic Designer Marketing 0735-375522

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Pushing the cost of creative design towards zero

z.trusion® is a patented technology for innovative and sustainable design of extruded products, developed by award-winning Swedish cleantech company Reliefed Technologies. The company is headquartered in Varberg on the Swedish west coast and collaborates with industry leaders across Europe.

Reliefed Technologies - z.trusion®

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