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What do others think? Case Study: Train-The-Trainer (TTT)

A group of trainers from Parsons-Brinckerhoff attended the Yāree Course. Their manager, Rebecca Arsham talks about their experiences...

First of all Rebecca, why did you decide to take the class?

The answer is twofold; first as the Training Manager in my firm I was looking for an event that would benefit my team of technical software application trainers.

Our instructors are all well versed in the products that they present, but as engineers, architects, and design visualization experts the level of their teaching skills varied.

I needed the team to learn the basics about the different types of learners that may be in their events and to learn teaching methods that encourage learning. Secondly, as a trainer myself the listed skills set is something I wanted to master also.

What did you learn?

Hans, the instructor, covered the approach to learning from a variety of angles, pedagogical, psychological, linguistic, behavioral all blended together in an extremely interesting format.

The event highlighted the challenges we as trainers face with each new group of students, however armed with this in depth information we were also given techniques to reach every learning type.

Why did you choose Yāree?

Fortunately I had attended several of Hans Hirschi’s mini sessions at conferences in the US and was impressed with the amount of information he could comprehensively cover in a few hours.  When presented with the opportunity to have Hans present to my staff for a three day Train-The-Trainer class it was an easy decision – Absolutely!

How do you use the knowledge acquired today?

Simple put the TTT has made me aware of the different ways people learn and communicate.  It has helped me break out of the bad habit of teaching only in the format in which I, as a learner learn best.  I find it easier to assess the learning styles of a room full of learners and attempt to offer something to every one of them.

How was the class structured?

Our TTT sessions was informally structured in the sense that we definitely had daily agendas but there was time after each topic area to role play scenarios and have open discussions which all seemed to be expertly guided to the intended learning points.

How was the teacher?

I cannot praise Hans Hirschi highly enough!  His knowledge level and ability to relay the information is second to none.  He is a dynamic presenter who is passionate about learning and as a result makes the role as trainer look easy.

What is it you work with? Describe your job role?

I am the Corp CADD Training Manager for Parsons Brinckerhoff.  Responsible for managing and implementing the CADD software training program for all Autodesk and Bentley product the company utilizes.


About Parsons Brinckerhoff:

Parsons Brinckerhoff was founded in 1885, and is a recognized leader in the development and operation of infrastructure, including buildings, transportation projects, energy networks, and water systems, to meet the needs of communities around the world. The firm provides strategic consulting, planning, engineering, and program and construction management services to both public and private sector clients.


About Yāree:

Yāree was founded in 2010, and is a Human Resources consulting and training firm. We empower individuals and organizations to realize their full potential, today and tomorrow. Yāree provides consulting in the areas of Human Capital, Social Responsibility & Employer Branding, as well as training & seminars within the above areas as well as communication & pedagogy.



  • Arbetsmiljö


  • kompetensutveckling
  • socialt ansvarstagande
  • employer branding
  • humankapital
  • yaree
  • yāree
  • train the trainer


Hans Hirschi

Presskontakt HR-konsult / utbildare / föreläsare / VD Utbildningar inom kommunikation, Employer Branding, Socialt ansvarstagande, Humankapital 031 - 350 01 01 Briljanta föreläsningar - Hirschi.se

Patrick Magnusson

Presskontakt HR-konsult / utbildare / föreläsare / säljchef Employer Branding, Socialt ansvarstagande, Humankapital 031 - 350 01 01 Tillbakablick på Patricks föreläsning hos Kronobergs Marknadsförening

Christoffer Deurell

Presskontakt 0313500101

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