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The sustainability prize you can throw in the compost

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The sustainability prize you can throw in the compost

The world’s leading sustainability award, WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award, is today awarding outstanding contributions towards a more sustainable future within Biodiversity – with an entirely biodegradable prize cube made by Marcin Rusak. 

As the world’s leading sustainability award, WIN WIN Award recognizes and supports outstanding sustainable contributions worldwide. The prize has been presented in Gothenburg since 2000, aiming to stimulate creativity and achieve lasting synergies between ecological, environmental, and social needs. Previous winners include Al Gore, Gro Harlem Brundtland, and Kofi Annan. 

– One million of planet Earth’s eight million different species are threatened with extinction. This fact also jeopardizes humanity’s survival as a species. Despite scientists’ insight that the Biodiversity of the Earth is crucial for our existence, the issue tends to fall between decision-makers’ areas of responsibility. It does not receive the same attention as, for example, climate change, says Emma Dalväg, Chair of the WIN WIN Award jury. 

Branding agency Happy F&B has worked with the award since 2017. The award itself is a radical departure from the usual trophies and gongs. 

– The basic shape is a cube, but each year it is made of a different sustainable material – connecting to its specific theme. In this way, the prize cube itself highlights and represents innovative and sustainable materials, techniques, and its creators, says Maria Glansén, Design Director at Happy F&B. 

– Connecting to the theme Biodiversity, we have collaborated with artist Marcin Rusak to create this year’s prize cubes. It is entirely biodegradable and made from organic binders and flowers. Everything – from flower collection to processing the organic matter, mold making, and the physical material creation – is made by hand, says Anna Ahnborg, Design Director at Happy F&B. 

The organic material, Perishable Material, that Marcin has invented and composed enables us to reflect on the contemporary consumerism culture, exposing and embracing the processes of decay, destruction, renewal, and reconstruction through these perishable and transient objects. Perishable objects may, over time, perish to the lack of serviceability. This prize cube is made on that basis and intends to have a brief lifespan to mirror features occurring in nature. 

– Like the veins in marble or cavities in fossilized stones, the cube’s beauty lies in imperfections and the meticulous detail of floral cross-sections. Sourced from the excess accumulated by florists, the discarded flowers are given a new life cycle by becoming a part of the material, says Marcin Rusak. 

For more information and questions, contact Anna Wallhult: anna.wallhult@happy.fb.se

This year's winners

This year’s WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award winner is The Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services – IPBES. As the world’s first and only intergovernmental platform for Biodiversity, IPBES provides knowledge and tools to protect and sustainably access nature’s vital resources. The organization brings people of knowledge and experience together with stakeholders and decision-makers from all world regions. Together, they are laying the groundwork for a new agenda. 

he winner of the WIN WIN Youth Award is Ariana Yuen, with the project Forested Foods from Ethiopia. Forested Foods is an Ethiopian organization that fights to preserve forests and creates justice for forest-based communities.



WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award (SV)

Sedan år 2000 har världens främsta hållbarhetspris uppmärksammat framstående insatser över hela jorden. Utöver att belöna banbrytande gärningar, syftar priset också till att stimulera kreativitet och långsiktiga synergieffekter – till förmån för människan, naturen och vår gemensamma framtid.

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award (ENG)

The world’s leading sustainability award aims to recognize and support outstanding contributions from around the world. Our goal is to stimulate creativity and achieve lasting synergies as we strive to strike the right balance between ecological, environmental and social needs. The award has been presented in Gothenburg since 2000.

WIN WIN Youth Award (SV)

WIN WIN Youth Award är ett internationellt pris som syftar till att belöna unga personer i åldrarna 13-29 år med nyligen genomförda eller pågående projekt som bidrar till omställningen till en mer hållbar värld. Priset på 20 000 kronor tas emot i Göteborg på prisceremonin för WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award.

WIN WIN Youth Award (ENG)

The WIN WIN Youth Award is an international award that aims to empower and reward young people who play an active role in the creation of a more sustainable future. The winner of the WIN WIN Youth Award will receive SEK 20.000 in Gothenburg at the WIN WIN Award ceremony.


Lovisa Ralpher

Lovisa Ralpher

Presskontakt Pressansvarig +46739255089 WIN WIN Awards hemsida

Relaterade event

WIN WIN Award belönar banbrytande gärningar till förmån för vår gemensamma framtid.

WIN WIN Award är ett av världens ledande hållbarhetspris. Vi belönar och uppmärksammar enastående lösningar för de mest akuta utmaningarna som världen står inför idag. Priset på 1 miljon SEK har delats ut årligen sedan år 2000 i Göteborg.

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award

Lagergatan 1
415 02 Gothenburg