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Biodiversity in focus of world leading sustainability award – here are the finalists

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Biodiversity in focus of world leading sustainability award – here are the finalists

During the winter, the WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award has received nominations of individuals and organizations that have helped bring attention to, or achieved improvements in, biodiversity. The jury can now announce the five finalists that are in the running to win this year’s award, including one million SEK. This is also the first year of the organisation´s international youth award.

Everything from the water we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe to our economy, culture and medical development are deeply connected with biodiversity. At the same time, the human way of life has come to be a threat to the survival of all life on Earth. Today, one million of the world’s species are threatened with extinction. Biodiversity is the theme of the year for one of the world’s leading sustainability awards. The jury states that the threat towards biodiversity is much more complex and severe than a lot of people may think.

– The biodiversity of the Earth is crucial for our existence. Despite this insight amongst scientists, the issue tends to fall between decision-makers’ areas of responsibility. Biodiversity is in fact deeply linked to many of the topics we tend to give more attention to, for example climate change. That is why WIN WIN Award has chosen biodiversity as the theme of 2020 says Emma Dalväg, Chairperson of the jury.

Through nominations, the WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award has received many promising candidates from all over the world. The jury can now present the five finalists that are in the running to win this year´s award.

– We are very proud and happy to present this year’s five finalists, who all contribute to the biodiversity of the world. Our diverse selection of finalists reflects the complexity and fragility of biodiversity, Dalväg continues.

The WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award aims to recognise and support outstanding contributions from around the world since 2000.This year’s winner will be announced at the World Biodiversity Day on the 22nd of May. These are the five finalists that have the chance to win:

1.The Lübeck Model is an ecosystem-based forestry method that strives for cultivated forest to be as similar to a natural forest as possible by harvesting trees through selective felling instead of clear-cutting. The jury selects the Lübeck Model as finalist, as a concrete example of how forests can be used in a way that protects and preserves natural processes and biodiversity, while allowing for commercial processes to proceed.

2.The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is an intergovernmental body that provides information to decision makers about the current state of the world’s biodiversity. The jury selects IPBES as a finalist for their decisive role in outlining the drivers of biodiversity loss, communicating the magnitude of the problem and laying the groundwork for a new agenda and transformative change in relation to biodiversity using a methodology that incorporates extensive natural and social science research, as well as indigenous and local knowledge systems.

3. Nordens Ark is a foundation that works with biodiversity conservation, breeding, research and educational activities. The jury selects Nordens Ark as finalist for its work in endangered species conservation as well as in increasing public engagement, giving visitors a better appreciation of endangered species and understanding of the importance of biodiversity.

4. Dr. Jane Goodall has dedicated her life to studying and preserving chimpanzees and is one of the world's foremost experts on non-human primate behavior. The jury selects Dr. Jane Goodall as finalist, who through her conservation and development projects has given the world a greater understanding of our near-relatives and the importance of biodiversity.

5. Raoni Metuktire is an indigenous leader of the Kayapo people and has vocally opposed unsustainable developments in Brazil, including the Belo Monte Dam construction, the ongoing deforestation of Amazonas and eradication of indigenous culture. The jury selects Raoni Metukire as finalist for his efforts as an international voice for indigenous people and their fight to conserve biodiversity through traditional knowledge and practices.

During 2020, the WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Youth Award will take the next step. The former regional prize will now become an international award. The award welcomes contributions from individuals, organizations and movements from all over the world. The purpose of the award is to encourage and reward young people, between 13-29 years of age, who through their actions contribute to a more sustainable world. The application closes 5th of June, and the winner is announced on International Youth Day, 12th of august.

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WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award

The world’s leading sustainability award aims to recognize and support outstanding contributions from around the world. Our goal is to stimulate creativity and achieve lasting synergies as we strive to strike the right balance between ecological, environmental and social needs. The award has been presented in Gothenburg since 2000.


Lovisa Ralpher

Lovisa Ralpher

Presskontakt Pressansvarig +46739255089 WIN WIN Awards hemsida

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WIN WIN Award belönar banbrytande gärningar till förmån för vår gemensamma framtid.

WIN WIN Award är ett av världens ledande hållbarhetspris. Vi belönar och uppmärksammar enastående lösningar för de mest akuta utmaningarna som världen står inför idag. Priset på 1 miljon SEK har delats ut årligen sedan år 2000 i Göteborg.

WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award

Lagergatan 1
415 02 Gothenburg