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International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP) 33rd IASP World Conference and new International Board

Skolkovo Technopark with MSU Technopark and Technopark Strogino, with the support of

Moscow City Government, recently hosted the 33rd IASP World Conference in Moscow, Russia

on September 19th -22nd 2016. With the theme of “The Global Mind - linking innovation

communities for internationalization, sustainability and growth,” this conference deepens our

understanding of how Science Parks and other Areas of Innovation can use the Global Mind —

setting common goals and strengthening connectivity— for the benefit of their innovation

communities (businesses, entrepreneurs, researchers and technicians) as well as for their

cities and regions.

Science parks and other areas of innovation are environments where the Global Mind can

flourish and develop naturally. They provide space, facilities and services especially tailored

for these kinds of communities and they offer a unique way to think, connect and interact.

This collaborative nature stems from strong local roots, but also provides privileged access to

international networks, markets and partnerships. Dynamic links among STPs and AOIs from

all over the world are essential to make the most of this international dimension. This

local/global duality is one of the constitutive features of STPs and AIs.

Held in three different venues – Skolkovo Technopark, the World Trade Center and MSU

Science Park, it showcased the flourishing science park and area of innovation community in

Moscow, fast becoming one of the biggest tech hubs in Europe. It is the first time an IASP

World Conference has taken place in Russia, recognising its growing role in the international

innovation community.

The IASP World Conference is a knowledge community in action, a global gathering of 58

speakers and over 1000 delegates, including leading government, business and innovation

figures from 45 countries. The past few days have demonstrated just what can be achieved

when innovators and innovation managers from across the world collaborate.

Russian Prime Minster Dmitry Medvedev addressed the event’s Opening Day, praising the

progress of the Skolkovo project and recognising the great value of IASP as a global network

for supporting internationalisation and innovation. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich

also visited IASP Moscow, holding a round table event with key experts from science parks and

areas of innovation around the world including IASP President Jean-François Balducchi and

European Division President Jari Lauronen.

Open Innovation Marketplace

Alongside the scientific programme, 50 entrepreneurs and representatives from hi tech

innovative startups based in science parks across the world presented solutions for the city of

Moscow and major Russian corporations, focusing on the Smart City sectors of:

  • eHealth
  • Cleantech
  • Industry
  • Smart Society
  • Technology
  • Governance
  • Energy
  • Mobility
  • Sustainable City
  • 50 selected solutions had the opportunity to pitch their projects directly to Moscow City

    Government and the corporations, with 10 finalists meeting directly with potential investors.

    Robotics & VR exhibition

    A robotics and Virtual Reality exhibition was held alongside the World Conference at the

    International Trade Center on September 20th, it saw a range of cutting edge robotics companies

    showcase their products to science park representatives from all over the world, from 70

    countries all over the world. Growing startups and SMEs found new markets and business niches

    and established business relations with investors and heads of major corporations.

    IASP Executive Board

    The IASP General Assembly was held on September 22nd, during which the election of a new

    President and Board was ratified.

    Outgoing IASP President Jean-François Balducchi, Managing Director of Atlanpole, Nantes,

    France, handed over the Presidency to his successor, Josep Piqué, Executive President of La

    Salle Technova, Spain. Mr Balducchi began his term in 2014 at the IASP World Conference in

    Doha, Qatar, and led the Opening Ceremony at IASP Moscow, officiated at the General

    Assembly, and welcomed new IASP members during the ‘Winter Symphony’ Gala Dinner

    before formally handing his presidential medal to Mr Piqué during the Closing Ceremony on

    September 22.

    Mr Piqué already has a long history with IASP, and begins his term as President following two

    years as Vice President.

    Paul Krutko, CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK, USA, also joins the Executive Board as Vice President of

    IASP. Mr. Krutko is also the current President of the IASP North American Division.

    Hauwa Yabani, Managing Director of Abuja Technology Village, Nigeria, and previously a

    member of the International Board of Directors, was also ratified as Treasurer of IASP. She

    takes over from outgoing Treasurer McLean Sibanda, CEO of The Innovation Hub, South Africa.

    IASP International Board of Directors

    New members of the International Board of Directors were also elected during the IASP

    General Assembly. The new Directors are:

    Fernando Amestoy – Pando Science and Technology Park, Uruguay

    Alexander Chernov – Skolkovo Technopark, Russia

    André Domin – Technologiepark Heidelberg GmbH, Germany

    Caroline Drabe – Västerås Science Park AB, Sweden

    Jaime Parada – PIIT Parque de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica, Mexico

    Mozghan Yazdianpour – Isfahan Science and Technology Park, Iran

    About the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of

    Innovation (IASP)

    IASP is the worldwide network of science parks and areas of innovation, founded in 1984. With

    385 members in 72 countries, IASP connects professionals managing science, technology and

    research parks (STPs) and other areas of innovation from across the globe, and provides services

    that drive growth and effectiveness for members.

    IASP members enhance the competitiveness of companies and entrepreneurs in their cities and

    regions, and contribute to global economic development through innovation, entrepreneurship,

    and the transfer of knowledge and technology.

    IASP is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United

    Nations and a founding member of the World Alliance for Innovation (WAINOVA).

    For further information about IASP, please visit

    IASP’s mission

    To be the global network for science and technology parks, and other areas of innovation,

    driving growth, internationalisation and effectiveness for our members.

    Main facts and figures

    Founded: 1984

    Members: 385

    Companies: >142,000

    Countries: 72

    Regional divisions: 6

    • African Division 
    • European Division
    • North American
    • Asia-Pacific Division
    • Latin American
    • WANA (West Asia NorthAfrica) 


    • World Headquarters: Malaga, Spain
    • Branch office: Beijing, China

    World Conferences to date: 32

    Upcoming World Conference: 19th – 22nd September in Moscow, Russia


    Regional workshops and seminars to date: 100

    About Skolkovo

    Skolkovo Technopark is a Full member of IASP and won the bid to host and organise the IASP

    2016 World Conference in Doha, Qatar in 2014.

    The Technopark is part of the Skolkovo Foundation, a non-profit organization founded in

    September 2010 by the Russian government with the objective of accelerating Russia’s

    transformation from a resource-intensive to an innovation-based economy. The Foundation is

    overseeing the creation of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, composed of more than 1,500

    high-tech startups, Skolkovo Technopark, the Skolkovo Institute of Technology (Skoltech) - a

    new graduate research University established in collaboration with the Massachusetts

    Institute of Technology - and Skolkovo city, located near Moscow. Together, these entities

    establish a vibrant ecosystem of technology innovation and entrepreneurship.

    Fifty global corporations including Boeing, Cisco Systems, EADS, GE, Johnson & Johnson, IBM,

    Intel, Microsoft, Siemens, Nokia, Samsung, and Panasonic have already recognized the

    opportunity Skolkovo presents by signing R&D partnership agreements with the Foundation.

    The cumulative revenue of Skolkovo’s startups through June 2016 reached $1.6 billion and

    they brought in more than $350 million in investment, creating 18,000 jobs and filing over

    1,900 patent applications along the way. By 2020 over 2 million square meters of residential

    and office space will be built in Skolkovo with 35,000 people working daily in the Innovation



    For additional information please contact:

    Harriet Edwards

    Communications and Events Officer

    Telephone: +34 952 028303

    Fax: +34 952 020464


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    Västerås Science Park är en företagsstödjande aktör som med basen i Västerås arbetar i hela Västmanlands innovationsstödsystem.

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